Saturday, March 26, 2022

wake up, and learn the laws


James Thompson Bixby
( 1843 – 1921) was a United States Unitarian minister and writer.
The New World And The New Thought~1902

 by     James Thompson Bixby    




Unprecedented in size and material, and artistic magnificence, as the Chicago Exposition (of 1893) was, it was still more unprecedented and remarkable in its astonishing Parliament of Religions. To get together on the same platform Trinitarian and Unitarian, Monotheists and Polytheists, Roman cardinals and Free Religious Lecturers, Greek archbishops and protestant presbyters, Buddhist monks and Confucian moralists, expounders of the Bible, the Koran and the Avesta, was indeed a marvel. But when from the lips of these representatives of diverse sects, whose ancestors had persecuted and cursed and battled with one another so bitterly ; when alike from the yellow robed Buddhists or the scarlet robed Catholic, from the Greek ecclesiastic in his black gown, the Hindu in his red, or the Shinto in his white vestments, came the same sentiments of righteousness, aspiration and good-will ; and in their advocacies of their own faith, earnest as they were, scarcely a word fell that could give offense to those of rival faithit seemed, indeed, a new day of Pentecost, a descent of the holy dove of the Spirit, beneath a rainbow of blended spiritual rays, as comforting as that which foretold to Noah and his  sons the end of storm and wrath upon the renovated earth. Every one who read the inspiring accounts of these meetings, where the representatives of these varied faiths exchanged such pleasant words of amity and mutual respect, must have been impelled to ask why may not this Pentecostal fellowship be maintained? Why may not Jew and Gentile, Roman and Protestant, Christian and Parsee and Brahman, be united, not merely for a few days, in some public meeting, but constantly, in daily life, in the unity of the Spirit and the bonds of peace ; and thus
“The whole round earth be bound
With golden chains about the throne of love.”






New thought Christianized ~ 1917 By James M(ann) Campbell (1840-1926)

Excerpts from the writings of

James Mann Campbell


Science of the New Thought ~ 1904 By     E(rastus) Whitford Hopkins

The ignorant and superstitious ignore these facts, 
although they pretend to believe in good and bad angels
which influence them for good or bad. For the sake of
your own God-hood, wake up, and learn the laws of how
to be yourself, and how to live in freedom in a grand
and beautiful mental home HERE AND NOW.

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