Sunday, September 5, 2021

All things are waiting to be looked upon by us as they really are.


If man, or all, is Spirit, then I am Spirit.
If Spirit cannot be in poverty, I cannot be in poverty.
If Spirit cannot be burdened, I cannot be burdened.
If Spirit cannot be sick, I cannot be sick.
All these are nothing to Spirit,

therefore they are nothing to me. I am not deceived by any of them. This is the only religion which will work practically with the mind, and bring out the external forms in new combinations. It is a religion which teaches us to be grateful to Spirit for all the good that comes to us, and appreciate that all the evil that comes is by reason of our having imagined something against man or God, or the universe, which could not be possible at all. We worship Spirit in all forms, and let forms alone. We do not try to change them; they change themselves by our thoughts of Spirit. There is a law of setting aside appearances by Truth. We learn Truth, and we are masters of the law. ECH SCMP

You do not have to try to make your Truth work. You know it. You know the Truth that makes you free. You speak it, and it is its own working principle. you free. You speak it, and it is its own working principle. . ECH SCMP


Whether it is affairs of business or in sickness, do not believe that there are lustful passions and sensual appetites lurking back of appearances, or that good appearances are hiding bad conditions. And do not believe that there is something wrong with a business even though it appears to be successful and flourishing. All that looks well is making a heroic fight to be God's good way in your eyes. Believe in it. Speak kindly of it.

The first strength of mind is the strength to endure. This is purity, which is long life. A good man may seem to be very frail, but he will live on and on where others, more robust looking, would falter, because goodness is a substance in man which endures. We get this by never accusing of unclean or sensual nature.

The second strength is the strength of youth, the strength of fearlessness. It comes to you by always believing everything is good which seems good, and that everyone is good who seems good. Do not think tobacco hides a poison, do not think rum hides a sting. Do not think that anyone who is kind to you, or whom you love or respect or enjoy the society of, or who looks kind or good, is bad, no matter who tells you so, or what interior feeling you have that they are. Let your conscious thoughts and words be according to the Good. This will give you a young and fearless look in the face, and keep your vigor. Childhood and youth never believe in bad where good seems to be. ECH SCMP


People who lack self-confidence are those who have not warmed into confidence in their doctrine. They are given to accusation of sin, but they as often accuse themselves of sin as their neighbors. Nothing alive and solid with success ever stays in the hands of people who are given to accusing others or themselves of sin. By this I mean, prosperity will always seem just ahead of you if you think of people or yourself as selfish, envious, jealous, revengeful, or cruel. Your health will always seem just out of your reach. Your healing power will always be slipping through your fingers. Just as you think your case is cured it is not cured. Every time it can be traced to your accusing of sin. Stop that, and your waters of mind will gather prosperity so tangibly that you cannot mistake judgments. Your waters of mind will breed new healing power. New affairs, new schemes in some line, will please and satisfy you. ECH SCMP


The man appears sick to you because you see him that way. If you let your Spirit tell what it sees there will be no talk about sickness, no discussion of what is distressing anybody. All things are waiting to be looked upon by us as they really are. ECH SCMP


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