Sunday, June 25, 2017

'Quiet' is the gateway to having everything you want.

"You did the best you could. If you could have done better you would have. Guilt is a trick of the ego. It says, woe is me." - Dr. David R. Hawkins, M.D., PhD
Spiritual illumination reveals that we are not mortals, not even humans, but that we are pure spiritual beings, divine consciousness, Self sustaining light, all-inclusive mind. This light destroys the illusions of personal sense.” ~ The Infinite Way
1956 Barbizon Plaza Private Class For “25”
Joel S. Goldsmith
As long as we don’t attack anything or anybody, we will not be attacked. And we have no reason to attack anyone, for we understand that whatever anyone does, even if it’s robbing a bank, they’re doing out of their present highest sense of right, and so forth and so on.Joel S. Goldsmith
When living out from the center of being, you are untouched by the thoughts, opinions, laws, and theories of the world. Nothing acts upon you, since you do not react to the world of appearances. And you know that’s a difficult one. And what does it mean? It means actually, when you have lost your fear of persons and conditions; when you are at the center of your being and have had the “click,” and you realize, “Oh, just think, the Spirit of God is pouring through me, that guarantees the eternality of my life. That guarantees my supply. That guarantees my human relationships.” Then at that moment the whole world could be hating you and calling you dead, but it could never touch your consciousness. Joel S. Goldsmith
To begin with I, Awareness, seem to be in the world, then the world seems to be in Me and finally the distinction between Myself and the world dissolves. Rupert Spira
In a spiritual life, you place no labels on the world. You do not judge as to good or evil, sick or well, rich or poor. While appearances may show forth harmony and discord, by not judging, you merely know Is. And let that which truly is, define itself. Joel S. Goldsmith
On our scale of consciousness, there are two critical points that allow for major advancement. The first is at 200, the initial level of empowerment: Here, the willingness to stop blaming and accept responsibility for one’s own actions, feelings, and beliefs arises – as long as cause and responsibility are projected outside of oneself, one will remain in the powerless mode of victimhood. The second is at the 500 level, which is reached by accepting love and nonjudgmental forgiveness as a lifestyle, exercising unconditional kindness to all persons, things, and events without exception.” (Hawkins 2002, 238).
Listen, Learn, and Do.”
This means Listen to My Voice, Learn to undo the error, and DO something to correct it.

In the early days of Christian Science, Mrs. Eddy bore the entire brunt of making the demonstration for her followers—healings, supply, money, everything necessary. She didn’t ask the field to support her. She supported the field. And The Infinite Way at no time have we asked the field to support us, but we have supported the field, spiritually and some cases even financially, and in every case financially born the activity of the thing. But, do you want to know something that the church reverses all that now and says to its people, “You must support me. You must support the church. You must support the ministry.” You know why? Because the only thing that governs the church is the same thing that governs government—material sense. They don’t acknowledge that they have enough spiritual sense to support you. They ask you to support them.
We can’t be guilty of that. Our only support for each other is in the degree of our spiritual enlightenment. Don’t ever ask your patients or students to support you. You support them spiritually. You support them and if necessary even with finances, not taking the burden of their living on your shoulder but being a temporary help for them. If they ask for bread, don’t give them a stone. If they say they’re hungry, don’t give them merely a prayer. Give them something to eat and some clothing. Prove by your own demonstration that you not only can, through the Christ, be fed and clothed yourself but that you can feed and clothe the multitudes who are led to you. Don’t ever ask for support. You be the one to give the support, until such time as you unite like this and say, “We are one.” And even then, don’t ever depend on anyone, not even your students for support. Depend only on your Christ. The Secret Work of the Original “25” 1956 Barbizon Plaza Private Class for “25” Joel S. Goldsmith

Christian Science is successful in those churches where there are successful Christian Science healers. The Secret Work of the Original “25” 1956 Barbizon Plaza Private Class for “25” Joel S. Goldsmith
There is no need to run outside For better seeing, Nor to peer from a window. Rather abide At the center of your being; For the more you leave it, the less you learn. LAO-TZE
Truth is within ourselves. There is an inmost center in us all, Where the Truth abides in fullness; and to know Rather consists in opening out a way Whence the imprisoned splendor may escape Than in effecting entry for a light Supposed to be without. ROBERT BROWNING
A God has made His abode within our breast: when He rouses us, the glow of inspiration warms us; this holy rapture springs from the seeds of the divine mind sown in man. OVID
Most men take a problem, not to themselves,not into the chambers of their own minds, but to the first directory of persons whom they can consult. VALDIVAR
The kingdom of God is within you. JESUS
What would it take for you to realize how crucial you are to the possibilities of the world?” ~ Gary Douglas
The one supreme power that will guarantee personal happiness is personal right thinking. Vernon Howard

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