not, however, let your thought go out in an attempt to heal the
world. That would only be an attempt to change the dream picture,
since war, depression, and accidents are not realities. Do not use
your mind or your thought or your spiritual powers trying to patch up
the illusion. Become one with God—and stay on that level of
consciousness. Do this as many times as you can in the day, and as
many times as you can during the night. Get the feeling of God's
presence. Soon the illusion will be dispelled. Let this understanding
reveal the illusory nature of that which appears as war, depression,
or accident. Stop looking at the illusion and trying mentally to
juggle it out of existence! Learn the meaning of
"Agree with thine adversary." To agree with your adversary
means not to fight or try to change the mortal picture. It means to
understand immediately that it is not a reality. That is your