Friday, March 31, 2017

The two worlds may be divided in this way: one opinions, the other science.

Jan. 25th, 1861
To Mrs. Ware:
By the request of Emma and Sarah I sit down by you to see if I can amuse you by my explanation of disease. You know I often talk to persons about religion and you often look as though you would rather have me talk about anything else. Perhaps it would be better, but if you knew the cause of every sensation, then you would not want a physician. Now you will want me to tell you how you feel and if you will give me your attention I will try to explain. This heavy lazy feeling that you have, accompanied with a desire to lie down and sort of indifference how things go along, comes from a quiet state of your system that prevents your food from digesting as readily as it did while here. But it will act upon you like an emetic or cathartic, either way is right. So give no care to what you shall eat or drink, for that wisdom that governs all science will cause all things to work for the best, and if you want to eat, consult your own feelings and take no one's opinion.


A condition in the mind that is brought about by the conflict that takes please when a high spiritual realization contracts an old error state of consciousness.

Sunday, March 26, 2017


Because Christian Science, the Unity people and some of the New Thought people have been able to show forth healing in the last century, the whole world is becoming interested. What is not yet realized is that first their natures must change–there must be a purification or change of consciousness. Joel Goldsmith 1963
If you cannot see the integrity that animated Mrs. Eddy, the Fillmores, and Ernest Holmes, then you cannot see the spiritual vision at all. If you cannot see and honor them all, you cannot honor the universal nature of the Christ. Joel Goldsmith 1963

Friday, March 24, 2017

Joel Goldsmith on Money, alcohol and tobacco

If you are one who is plagued by lack, it is possible that you may find yourself in such astate of confusion, with your mind so beset with a sense of fear that there may not be asufficiency, that sometimes you find it very hard to quiet your mind enough for a peacefulmeditation. But there is a way in which you can meditate, even with these disturbingthoughts uppermost in your consciousness, and your mind will settle down into such apeace and tranquility that God will be able to speak to you about supply.

Thursday, March 23, 2017

My function, the Christ function, is to reveal ...

1962 Los Angeles Special Class
Joel S. Goldsmith

Good evening,
If I can discover for myself, some law of God or some way to God, that proves beneficial in my individual experience, I can then share whatever it is that I have learned with someone— someone who may express an interest in what I have discovered. And if I am successful in imparting to them, something of the nature of what I have learned, so that they in turn find that they have brought the presence, the power of God into their experience, they in turn can carry the message further, and I, by virtue of having imparted the little that I’ve learned, immediately find that I know more than I did before.
And so it is that, when the message of The Infinite Way became clear to me, and I didn’t know what to do with it, except to have the book, The Infinite Way published, three people came to me for instruction: a mother, father, and son, and then after them, 12 people came. And now, 17 years later, as you know, it has circled the globe. Not that it has convinced all those on the globe, but that everywhere there are some benefitting by this message.

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

The body is just a body, it’s not a Self or Identity.

What choice can I make today, to clear the unfulfilled promises and create the life I’d like to have?

Money is like air - it's everywhere. You just have to breathe it in.

Thursday, March 16, 2017

The Kingdom of Heaven is you.

Find three hobbies you love: One to make you money, one to keep you in shape, and one to be creative.

What does marriage mean to you?

The feel is real, but the why is a lie.

Sunday, March 5, 2017

Finding the "I"-ness in you.

The harder we try to not create what we do not want, the stronger we’re holding on to the idea; thus, the more likely we are to create it in our reality.
How can we distinguish between what we can and cannot change?