Wednesday, September 7, 2016

“I am as God created me”

Let us declare this truth as often as we can. This is the key that opens up the gate of Heaven, and that lets you enter in the peace of God.” – ACiM

A quiet mind allows for clear guidance and direction.

When you say YES! to something and really mean it with all your heart and every cell in your body, the energies in you begin to move immediately. THE UNIVERSE CONSPIRES TO HELP YOU !
Passionless persistence might lead to achievement, but will it make you happy? Christine Carter @ Greater Good

"Let all this madness be undone for you,
and turn in peace to the remembrance of God,
still shining in your quiet mind."
ACIM Ch.23.I.8.9
Think about situations in your life you typically see negatively and start trying to apply a beginner's mind to them. Step back — even if just for a moment — from your automatic judgments and see if there's another way to evaluate the experience. As Jeff Yang wrote in The Wall Street Journal in 2011, Jobs emphasized the need to develop a beginner's mind in order to eschew the constraints that cause us to come up with old answers to difficult problems. Constantly seeing the world anew, as if you didn't know anything about it.

"As the teacher of God advances in his training, he learns one lesson with increasing thoroughness. He does not make his own decisions; he asks his Teacher for His answer, and it is this he follows as his guide for action. ” – ACiM
"Gratitude to God becomes the way
in which He is remembered,
for love cannot be far behind
a grateful heart and thankful mind.

God enters easily,
for these are the true conditions
for your homecoming."
ACIM Ch.23.4 Excerpts
Talk to God in 3 steps:

1. You ask (through prayer)
2. You listen (through meditation)
3. You witness (every day)

Forgive us our illusions, Father, and help us to accept our true relationship with You, in which there are no illusions, and where none can ever enter. Our holiness is Yours. What can there be in us that needs forgiveness when Yours is perfect? The sleep of forgetfulness is only the unwillingness to remember Your forgiveness and Your Love. Let us not wander into temptation, for the temptation of the Son of God is not Your Will. And let us receive only what You have given, and accept but this into the minds which You created and which You love. Amen
  1. ACiM/Text/Chapter 16 VII. The End of Illusions

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