Monday, February 2, 2015


To be afraid is to have more faith in evil than in God. ~ Emmet Fox

Morty Lefkoe: Eliminate the barriers to achieving the results.

First: the role of fundamental beliefs
Second: the role of occurrings
Third: the role of an “I can’t ….” Mindset
Fourth: the role of other elements of a mindset of limitless possibilities

There is no end to prayer. It echoes on forever in your soul. Long after visible demonstration has been made and forgotten, the prayer that produced it continues to work for your spiritual advancement, for the creative power of God thought is Unlimited and eternal. ~ Emmet Fox

Christy Whitman: The Art Of Having It All (Official Trailer)

Your Heart’s Desire is the Voice of God, and that Voice must be obeyed sooner or later. ~ Emmet Fox

"In actuality, things have already worked out, beyond the story. For in this moment, in reality, there is already no goal, no image of perfection, no comparison, no 'should' or 'should not', and the thoughts, sensations, feelings, sounds and smells appearing right now are entirely appropriate, wonderfully fitting and beautifully timely for this moment in the movie of your life....Face it. Your life is never going to work out. Hallelujah." ~ Jeff Foster

Never allow yourself to be strained or tense or over-eager. God never hurries. He works without effort. In dealing with fellow man put God on both side of the table, and the outcome will be true success for both parties. ~ Emmet Fox

"When you've become a total success in business and have more money than you could ever spend, what are you going to have? Happiness? Isn't that why you wanted money? Let's take a shortcut that can last a lifetime. Answer this question: Who would you be without the story 'My future depends on making a lot of money'? Happier. More relaxed. With or without the money. You'd have everything you wanted money for in the first place." ~ Byron Katie in Question Your Thinking, Change The World 

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