Monday, January 19, 2015

ACIM Revival

You are a natural promoter of harmony and social joy. You have demonstrated this already if you have said often: “God is my Peace.” You are a natural promoter of harmony and social joy. You have demonstrated this already if you have said often: “God is my Peace.” Emma Curtis Hopkins

Join Thousands of People SINGING the Lessons of the Workbook Starting January 1st, 2015
James Twyman
Leader - ACIM Revival

"Whenever a thought of any kind appears in your mind, observe its nature and let it fade away. This is the mind's natural way, which keeps you fresh and healthy. If a negative thought appears, do not cling to it in order to prolong its peculiar thrill. That is blockage and self-injury, which few human beings see as injury because they call it excitement. Your mind should flow like a river, free and unobstructed, and when it does, your life as a whole will flow with equal ease." Vernon Linwood Howard

Include the obstacles to reaching your goal as part of the goal itself. It is a lot easier to find a way to achieve a goal you aren’t sure how to achieve than it is to achieve a goal with a seemingly insurmountable barrier in front of it. What happens when you do that? The “but I can‘t because …” is gone. The barrier to the goal just disappeared. The goal is perhaps a bit more complex, but psychologically there is nothing standing between you and your goal. Morty Lefkoe: A simple way to eliminate obstacles

This is a year of joy, in which your listening will increase, and peace will grow with its increase.
This year, determine not to deny what has been given you by God, for that is the only reason He has called to you.
This is the year for the APPLICATION of the ideas which have been given you.  For the ideas are mighty forces, to be used and not held idly by.
This year invest in truth, and let it work in peace.
This year you will begin to learn, and make learning commensurate with teaching.

What if you didn't complain about money moving from you towards that other thing?
 What if paying was absolutely safe? And you're free to choose? workwithgrace

Metapsychiatry came into the world to put soul into psychiatry and to breathe the life of Spirit into the ‘valley of dry bones’(Ez, 37:1-6). Dr Hora

Jon Mundy ACIM Chapter 16 Lecture 19 (Part 1: 1/11/15)
Jon Mundy ACIM Chapter 16 Lecture 19 (Part 2: 1/11/15)

Offended means to be off-ended. What can knock YOU off the end but you own mind?

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