Tuesday, October 14, 2014

the True Self

Buddha, Enoch, Elijah, Isaiah, Ezekiel, Jesus, John, Paul, Lanyon, Aiken, DeWaters, to mention just a few of the more well known names. Though we have borne the image of the earthy we will also bear the image of the heavenly. Consider now what you are reading, for herein lies the secret of the ages, the SECRET hidden for ages and generations, the "hidden manna.” Consider these things. Meditate on them in your heart day and night:
"No man hath seen God at any time,” (John 1:18), and "no man shall see God and live" (Exod. 33:20). Yet Job 19:26 says, "Yet in my flesh shall I see God,” and Jesus said, "Blessed are the pure in heart for they SHALL SEE GOD." Now if "flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God" (I Cor. 15:50), but "Blessed are the poor in spirit: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven,” then how can these things be? IF no man can see God and live, then how can I see God in my flesh? How is it that the pure in heart see God? The answer is settled in this one thing: There is NO man in reality. "Surely men of low degree are vanity (emptiness, transitory according to Strong’s Concordance; hollow, futile, worthless according to Webster’s), and men of high degree are a LIE: to be laid in the balance, they are altogether lighter than vanity.” (Psa. 62:9)
"Man" is a vapor, a dream, an illusion, an image. Therefore, why fear them? Why trust them? Why think about them? Why count them? Why name them? Names are only given UNTIL we come to a knowledge of the TRUTH, where we truly realize that there is no other name under heaven! THE GREAT AWAKENING [Jane Woodward]

"Act as though I were, and you will see I Am.” (DeWaters) I love it! Whatever it is you wish to see, hear, do, BE, ACT like it! Act like you believe it! ACT LIKE: Nothing shall by any means hurt you, and you will see that NOTHING WILL! FEAR NOT. IT IS I [Jane Woodward]
Lack of any kind is always traceable to the fact that we have been seeking our supply from some secondary source, instead of from God Himself, the Author and Giver of life. The Lord’s Prayer Excerpted from: Emmet Fox. The Sermon on the Mount: The Key to Success in Life.

One day I shut down and refused to listen to any one’s tapes, read anyone’s books, pray or even read the Bible. I just sat quietly for several days before a little booklet which I had ordered sometime before, but had forgotten about seemed to draw me to it from under some other things on a the bottom shelf of a table beside my chair. It was the little book, "The Unchallenged Self" by Alfred Aiken.
Suddenly the VOICE came through the clouds of confusion and I knew. I knew WHO/WHAT I was and "duality" took a fatal blow in that MOMENT of awakening. The Expression came after that in many books and other ways, but it was always the SAME MESSAGE, just like this writing said various ways.
IT, LIFE, GOD, is living, moving, being as you, and thus YOU know what to do and just do it! You stop laboring under the sweat of your brow to "make" - attempting to cause - anything to happen, and worrying about how, when and where. Rather you rest in the joy of knowing that the I that I AM is in control, has always been and will ever be, Expression without end. The "I" has been doing it all all along! So, "you" will not have to have all the questions answered ahead of anything. All that seems necessary is taken care of in order and in a timely fashion. There is no more struggle, no more fight, no more worry, anxiety, fear or frustration! You just KNOW. And you know: ALL IS WELL. THE VEIL IS RENT [Jane Woodward]

"I'm going to tell you at the very start what you have to do because you haven't done it yet. You've been told about it but you haven’t acted on it because you're timid and you're afraid, you're filled with self-doubt.
Here's what you have to do in order to get a reward that is a billion miles higher than all the rewards of this world. You have to draw the line between right and wrong, definitely draw the line and then just stand on the right side. That’s all you have to do and you can do it right now. And you can do it inside yourself right now and you don't need to do anything but do it as best as you understand what I just said." Vernon Linwood Howard

Guy Finley: Selfishness is ignorance of the True Self; it is to live from a compulsive and fearful nature that can never quite satisfy its hunger for more... regardless the cost to all who suffer for its appetite. [ READ MORE The Masters Speak of the Search... ]

The method of forgiving is this: Get by yourself and become quiet. Repeat any prayer or treatment that appeals to you, or read a chapter of the Bible. Then quietly say,
I fully and freely forgive X (mentioning the name of the offender); I loose him and let him go. I completely forgive the whole business in question. As far as I’m concerned, it is finished forever. I cast the burden or resentment upon the Christ within me. He is free now, and I am free too. I wish him well in every phase of his life. The incident is finished. The Christ Truth has set us both free. I thank God.
 Then get up and go about your business. On no account repeat this act of forgiveness, because you have done it once and for all, and to do it a second time would be tacitly to repudiate your own work. Afterward, whenever the memory of the offender of the offense happens to come into your mind, bless the delinquent briefly and dismiss the thought. Do this, however many times the thought may come back. After a few days it will return less and less often, until you forget it altogether. Then perhaps after an interval, shorter or longer, the old trouble may come back to memory once more, but you will find that now all bitterness and resentment have disappeared, and you are both free with the perfect freedom of the children of God. Your forgiveness is complete. You will experience a wonderful joy in the realization of the demonstration.
Everybody should practice general forgiveness every day as a matter of course. When you say your daily prayers, issue a general amnesty, forgiving everyone who may have injured you in any way, and on no account particularize. Simply say,
 I freely forgive everyone.
 Then in the course of the day, should the thought or grievance or resentment come up, bless the offender briefly and dismiss the thought.
The result of this policy will be that very soon you will find yourself cleared of all resentment and condemnation, and the effect upon your happiness, your bodily health, and your general life will be nothing less than revolutionary. Excerpted from: Emmet Fox. The Sermon on the Mount: The Key to Success in Life.

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