Friday, February 14, 2014

Everyone’s A Valentine.

Just as shadows come together and no harm is done, so when objects meet in what is called an accident (like cars colliding), it makes no impression on true consciousness, for in the dream, the realm of spirit, nothing has happened.

Miracles praise God through you. They praise him by honoring his creations, affirming their perfection. They heal because they deny body-identification and affirm spirit-identification.
~  Principles of Miracles #29
When I think I know what’s best for someone….and they aren’t doing it….I feel really irritated. Or I’m frightened, and sad.
I believe I must not be helping, which is also disappointing.
I get angry, I sulk, I threaten, I worry, I wring my hands, I’m anxious.
I see pictures of the future with them feeling horrible, suicidal, dead.
But who would I be without the belief that this person should STOP THINKING THOSE THOUGHTS!??
Without the thoughts that they should do something different than they are doing…..or faster, or smoother, or with more joy, or power?
I would feel the deep compassion of Not Knowing. The Mystery of their human condition. GraceNotes:
read more @ Everyone’s A Valentine
A miracle is a correction introduced into false thinking by me.
It acts as a catalyst,
breaking up erroneous perception and reorganizing it properly.
This places you under the Atonement principle,
where perception is healed.
Until this has occurred,
knowledge of the Divine Order is impossible.
~  Principles of Miracles #37
Remember that you are a radiating center of Divine love
mighty to attract your good, and to radiate good to others.
To radiate love is to overcome loneliness. To radiate love is to let the
love of God so fill your heart that you become a magnet for your good.
The love you seek is seeking you. Love is in your heart, at the very center of your being,
an inherent part of you because you had your beginning in God, and God is love.
The Holy Spirit is the mechanism of miracles.
He recognizes both God's creations and your illusions.
He separates the true from the false by His ability to perceive totally rather than selectively.
~  Principles of Miracles #38
Remember: Expect Miracles!
Although it's not always easy,
this is part of loving someone
with all your heart and
with all you have to give!

It's a promise that should last a lifetime.
describes you as a person and
describes the essence of your soul.
It's a promise to be there,
one for the other,
no matter what happens,
no matter who falls.

For better or for worse.
For better
for worse.

HAPPY Valentines Day

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