But the world inside is all our own. What will we do with it? It may be a most enjoyable realm.
Even in the inner world, we are not alone. There is the "still small voice," but it is noiseless. This is the source from which the long line of prophets, early and later, received their respective messages, to which they gave outward expression.
Let us not deal with this great truth of the trysting-place of the divine and the human, merely as a passing theory, or even a beautiful abstract truth. It must be brought into concrete practice and live in us, if we would realize its power. It greatly helps to bring it home to consciousness to affirm it in the first person singular.
I retire within the sanctuary of soul and bar the door to the external world. The divine voice is interpreted to my inner hearing. I harken to it! I hear it! I feel it! I obey it! I am one with it! I am it! Dualism is merged in unity.

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