Friday, October 29, 2010
A new science, a new mode of reasoning.
"Disease is a reality to all mankind; but I do not include myself, because I stand outside of it, where I can see things real to the world and things that are real to wisdom. I know that I can distinguish that which is false from a truth, in religion, or in disease. To me,
Thursday, October 28, 2010
October, 1861, Quimby writes:
"It is twenty years since I first embarked in what was one of the greatest humbugs of the age, mesmerism. At that time the people were as superstitious about it as they were two hundred years ago in regard to witchcraft."What was the prime result of his investigations? That the human mind is amenable to suggestion, as we now say; that there are subjects capable of being put into a state which we now call hypnosis; and that the mesmeric effects are not mysterious at all, but are the results of the action of mind on mind. The alleged humbug was reduced to the operation of a principle to which we are all subject, the influence of thought.
The Quimby Manuscriptsedited by Horatio. W. Dresser - 1921
The Quimby Manuscriptsedited by Horatio. W. Dresser - 1921
Monday, October 25, 2010
Time and Eternity
The CONTINUING will to remain separated is the only possible reason for continuing guilt feelings. ... ANY decision of the mind will affect both behavior AND experience. And what you will you EXPECT. This is NOT delusional. Your mind DOES create your future, and CAN turn it back to full creation at any minute, IF IT ACCEPTS THE ATONEMENT FIRST. It will also turn back to full creation the instant it has done so. Having given up its thought DISORDER, the proper ordering of thought becomes quite apparent.
God's Kingdom IS bereft while YOU wait. Delay does not matter in eternity, but it IS tragic in time. You have elected to be in time rather than in eternity, and have therefore changed your belief in your status. But election is both free and alterable. You do NOT belong in time. Your place is ONLY in eternity, where God Himself placed you forever.
Guilt feelings are the PRESERVERS of time. They induce fears of FUTURE retaliation or abandonment, and thus ensure that the future will remain like the past. This IS the ego giving it a false sense of security through the belief that you cannot escape from it. But you can and MUST. God offers you the continuity of eternity in exchange of guilt for peace, viciousness for love, and pain for joy.
God's Kingdom IS bereft while YOU wait. Delay does not matter in eternity, but it IS tragic in time. You have elected to be in time rather than in eternity, and have therefore changed your belief in your status. But election is both free and alterable. You do NOT belong in time. Your place is ONLY in eternity, where God Himself placed you forever.
Guilt feelings are the PRESERVERS of time. They induce fears of FUTURE retaliation or abandonment, and thus ensure that the future will remain like the past. This IS the ego giving it a false sense of security through the belief that you cannot escape from it. But you can and MUST. God offers you the continuity of eternity in exchange of guilt for peace, viciousness for love, and pain for joy.
Sunday, October 24, 2010
All is mind.
"When you die and you are in your mind, do you still experience time?"
"Where are my loved ones when they die?" and
"Are they watching over me?"
"I partake of the nature and bounty of the All Good and I am now surrounded by everything which makes life worth while."
"Where are my loved ones when they die?" and
"Are they watching over me?"
"I partake of the nature and bounty of the All Good and I am now surrounded by everything which makes life worth while."
And the Universal mind responds: "
Yes, you are all of these things."
Yes, you are all of these things."
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Mental Science is not a "get-rich-quick scheme,"
neither does it promise something for nothing. It does, however, promise the one who will comply with its teaching that he shall be able to bring into his life and experience greater possibilities and happier conditions.
I was listening to an old show of Unity-FM on the weekend. Someone mentioned the "Something for Nothing" course, Infomercials etc. I thought this quote of Holmes rather amusing.
On the same show someone mentioned praying to meet your Twin Soul/Soul mate who is then the one that pushes your buttons. That's the wrong idea. There are so many couples that don't push each others buttons. Besides its about your connection to spirit, not theirs. I heard a psychologist mention that thinking there is only one person in the world for you isn't healthy or wise. You've limited yourself. Love means letting go of fear. If someone pushes your buttons maybe there is someone else that won't.
I was listening to an old show of Unity-FM on the weekend. Someone mentioned the "Something for Nothing" course, Infomercials etc. I thought this quote of Holmes rather amusing.
On the same show someone mentioned praying to meet your Twin Soul/Soul mate who is then the one that pushes your buttons. That's the wrong idea. There are so many couples that don't push each others buttons. Besides its about your connection to spirit, not theirs. I heard a psychologist mention that thinking there is only one person in the world for you isn't healthy or wise. You've limited yourself. Love means letting go of fear. If someone pushes your buttons maybe there is someone else that won't.
The dream of the "perfect partner" is an attempt to find EXTERNAL integration, while retaining conflicting needs in the self.(URtext)
The Ancients used to teach their pupils to say to themselves
—"Wonderful, wonderful, wonderful me!"—
There is but One Mind.
The Ancients used to teach their pupils to say to themselves
—"Wonderful, wonderful, wonderful me!"—
There is but One Mind.
Here is the point: everything we experience, touch, taste, handle and smell; environment, bodies, conditions, money, happiness, friends; all are effects.
"Instinctive Man within me is perfect and yet I appear to be imperfect. My apparent imperfection must be the result of an imperfect thinking; in reality I am, and always have been, perfect. I will now begin to think differently about myself and see what happens.""God made me perfect but He also made me an individual, which means that I can do with myself as I will. I cannot really destroy my body but I can make it most uncomfortable. Since God made me and made me perfect, each one of the organs of my body represents a perfect idea.""I am perfect, no matter what the appearance may be."Excerpts from:THE SCIENCE OF MIND (1926) BY ERNEST S. HOLMESHolmes started Religious Science. He quotes Emma Curtis Hopkins and Judge Thomas Troward. Troward wrote "Mental Science" around 1900 based on the New Testament and his understanding of Metaphysics from his time in India. Troward had the unique distinction of answering all the Metaphysical questions on his entrance exam based on meditating on the question because he couldn't study for the metaphysical part of it and passed(Some of his answers apparently were quite unique). Troward said similar things to Quimby as New Thought and Mental Science were seemingly similar.
"Instinctive Man within me is perfect and yet I appear to be imperfect. My apparent imperfection must be the result of an imperfect thinking; in reality I am, and always have been, perfect. I will now begin to think differently about myself and see what happens.""God made me perfect but He also made me an individual, which means that I can do with myself as I will. I cannot really destroy my body but I can make it most uncomfortable. Since God made me and made me perfect, each one of the organs of my body represents a perfect idea.""I am perfect, no matter what the appearance may be."Excerpts from:THE SCIENCE OF MIND (1926) BY ERNEST S. HOLMESHolmes started Religious Science. He quotes Emma Curtis Hopkins and Judge Thomas Troward. Troward wrote "Mental Science" around 1900 based on the New Testament and his understanding of Metaphysics from his time in India. Troward had the unique distinction of answering all the Metaphysical questions on his entrance exam based on meditating on the question because he couldn't study for the metaphysical part of it and passed(Some of his answers apparently were quite unique). Troward said similar things to Quimby as New Thought and Mental Science were seemingly similar.
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Judge Thomas Troward
“Thought is the only action of the mind. By your habitual thoughts you create corresponding external physical conditions, because you thereby create the nucleus which attracts to itself its own correspondence, in due order, until the finished work is manifested on the material plane . . . . ‘I AM’ is the word of power. If you think your thought is powerful, your thought is powerful.”Judge Thomas Troward THE EDINBURGH LECTURES ON MENTAL SCIENCE (1904)
Saturday, October 16, 2010
Human Efficiency
The mind need not be swayed by emotion and passion, it need not be the slave of fear or of physical sensation, if the soul comes to consciousness of its power, and turns the thought into another channel. He who possesses sufficient self-control may stop these trouble-bearing thoughts before they go forth to action. He can cultivate those states of mind which invite health, happiness, and peace. He may make hope a fine art, trust a habit, and love a boon companion. And so, little by little, the soul may not only master the mind, but with equal success extend its dominion to all parts of the body and keep it in perfect health or equilibrium.
Much of this may sound vague and impossible at first. But put it to the test. Observe yourself ; and when fears, violent emotions, and painful sensations arise, pause for a moment, gather your forces, quiet the mind, and compel the rising activities to subside.
Horatio W. Dresser (1900)

Much of this may sound vague and impossible at first. But put it to the test. Observe yourself ; and when fears, violent emotions, and painful sensations arise, pause for a moment, gather your forces, quiet the mind, and compel the rising activities to subside.
Horatio W. Dresser (1900)
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Electromagnetic radiation (often abbreviated E-M radiation or EMR) is a phenomenon that takes the form of self-propagating waves in a vacuum or in matter. It comprises electric and magnetic field components, which oscillate in phase perpendicular to each other and perpendicular to the direction of energy propagation.
Electromagnetic radiation is classified into several types according to the frequency of its wave; these types include (in order of increasing frequency and decreasing wavelength): radio waves, microwaves, infrared radiation, visible light, ultraviolet radiation, X-rays and gamma rays. A small and somewhat variable window of frequencies is sensed by the eyes of various organisms; this is what is called the visible spectrum. The photon is the quantum of the electromagnetic interaction and the basic "unit" of light and all other forms of electromagnetic radiation and is also the force carrier for the electromagnetic force.
[ ]
Electromagnetic Radiation Questionnaire
01. Do you use a cellular or cordless phone?
02. Do you use computers?
03. Do you use Microwave?
04. Do you use wireless technology?
05. Do you feel drained after spending time in front of your computer?
06. Do your children spend hours playing computer games?
07. Is the concentration of your child at school not good?
08. Do you feel that you are sensitive to electronics?
09. Do you suffer from unknown headache?
10. Do you have short-term memory problem?
11. Do you often feel tired?
If you answered yes to some of these questions, you may have electromagnetic radiation.
Electromagnetic Radiation - Out Ouruhia Way
Plain Communications Electromagnetic Radiation Resource Website
Electromagnetic radiation health effects you must know
EMF Safety and Health
Search for his articles on electromagnetic radiation.
Electromagnetic radiation is classified into several types according to the frequency of its wave; these types include (in order of increasing frequency and decreasing wavelength): radio waves, microwaves, infrared radiation, visible light, ultraviolet radiation, X-rays and gamma rays. A small and somewhat variable window of frequencies is sensed by the eyes of various organisms; this is what is called the visible spectrum. The photon is the quantum of the electromagnetic interaction and the basic "unit" of light and all other forms of electromagnetic radiation and is also the force carrier for the electromagnetic force.
[ ]
Electromagnetic Radiation Questionnaire
01. Do you use a cellular or cordless phone?
02. Do you use computers?
03. Do you use Microwave?
04. Do you use wireless technology?
05. Do you feel drained after spending time in front of your computer?
06. Do your children spend hours playing computer games?
07. Is the concentration of your child at school not good?
08. Do you feel that you are sensitive to electronics?
09. Do you suffer from unknown headache?
10. Do you have short-term memory problem?
11. Do you often feel tired?
If you answered yes to some of these questions, you may have electromagnetic radiation.
Electromagnetic Radiation - Out Ouruhia Way
Plain Communications Electromagnetic Radiation Resource Website
Electromagnetic radiation health effects you must know
EMF Safety and Health
Search for his articles on electromagnetic radiation.
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Ran into an old super. His wife passed away after a few years with suffering a brain hemorage. She was revived twice the day she had it.
I'm reminded that Tylenol-2 with codeine and apple sauce binds. Morphine pills bind too and they see things.(Use pureed prunes in the baby food section instead of apple sauce.) And they still jump three feet off the bed because they can't pass a stool. The morphine patch? Well, maybe they lose their sight and maybe they slip into a coma really quick. And if they live at home then there's bound to be one relative that thinks it's a great time to send men up onto the roof to reshingle it. Or one that shows up on a Thursday night before a long weekend so you're not getting any relief.
But then you remember spreading the ashes of two people, very much in love at their place of love and everything seems right in the world.
Maybe it's time to think about what you want.
I'm reminded that Tylenol-2 with codeine and apple sauce binds. Morphine pills bind too and they see things.(Use pureed prunes in the baby food section instead of apple sauce.) And they still jump three feet off the bed because they can't pass a stool. The morphine patch? Well, maybe they lose their sight and maybe they slip into a coma really quick. And if they live at home then there's bound to be one relative that thinks it's a great time to send men up onto the roof to reshingle it. Or one that shows up on a Thursday night before a long weekend so you're not getting any relief.
But then you remember spreading the ashes of two people, very much in love at their place of love and everything seems right in the world.
Maybe it's time to think about what you want.
I have nothing against social networking. There is nothing about FaceBook that appealed to me.
I had a weekend guest that kept complaining about getting into Farmville or Poker (and getting pop ads when he hit the wrong key). "The library is faster". That's nice. Of course then I look at the history and there's these porn sites that bimbos must be posting on FaceBook. So, is it a social networking site or what. Or is it contributing to addictive behaviour?
On Twitter I usually report anyone if I see it's porn or webcam stuff. At Blogspot there is the facility to warn it's an adult content site.
I've grown a fondness for sites like New Thought Library or Sacred Text Archive which have books to read online. Many years out of print.
Project Gutenburg provides a similar service.
Free eBooks by Project Gutenberg
Project Gutenberg Canada / Projet Gutenberg Canada : Archive of free ebooks of works that are in the public domain in Canada, focusing on Canadian writers and topics.=>
All texts are scanned and made easy to read online.
I had a weekend guest that kept complaining about getting into Farmville or Poker (and getting pop ads when he hit the wrong key). "The library is faster". That's nice. Of course then I look at the history and there's these porn sites that bimbos must be posting on FaceBook. So, is it a social networking site or what. Or is it contributing to addictive behaviour?
On Twitter I usually report anyone if I see it's porn or webcam stuff. At Blogspot there is the facility to warn it's an adult content site.
I've grown a fondness for sites like New Thought Library or Sacred Text Archive which have books to read online. Many years out of print.
Project Gutenburg provides a similar service.
Free eBooks by Project Gutenberg
Project Gutenberg Canada / Projet Gutenberg Canada : Archive of free ebooks of works that are in the public domain in Canada, focusing on Canadian writers and topics.=>
All texts are scanned and made easy to read online.
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Friday, October 8, 2010
You begin to be healed from the moment you see the sources of trouble in yourself, your attitude and the mode of conduct springing from it;
for you then cease to blame your neighbors and your God, and begin with yourself.
HEALING in the spiritual sense of the word begins with the discovery of our inner powers as children of God, made in His image and likeness. ... it is never a mere question of illnesses and external obstacles to be surmounted, but of the attitudes, beliefs, habits, which underlie external conditions and give them their power over us.
HEALING in the spiritual sense of the word begins with the discovery of our inner powers as children of God, made in His image and likeness. ... it is never a mere question of illnesses and external obstacles to be surmounted, but of the attitudes, beliefs, habits, which underlie external conditions and give them their power over us.
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Horatio W. Dresser
His parents, Julius A and Annetta Seabury Dresser were patients/students of Quimby along with Mary Baker Eddy.
Horatio was perhaps the first child to grow up in New Thought.
Monday, October 4, 2010
Psychopomps are creatures, spirits, angels, or deities in many religions whose responsibility is to escort newly deceased souls to the afterlife. Their role is not to judge the deceased, but simply provide safe passage.In Jungian psychology, the psychopomp is a mediator between the unconscious and conscious realms.
Psychopomps from Around the WorldArchangel Michael, Archangel Azrail, Anubis, Aurora Borealis, Anubis, Thoth, Horus, Abraham, St. Gabriel, Elijah, Namtar, Odin
Since the 1980's a lot of New Age books have been written of people claiming to get messages from a few of these. Of course in the 80's there was no internet and the lure of those books can be substantial if someone doesn't attend church and leans toward the occult, mediumship etc. But now as 2012 approaches one can easily check the internet and see what all this New Age stuff is about, check out the authors and see how much of it stands up to scrutiny.
Poop, nonsense, fantasy, fiction or schizoid. New Age is big money.
Nancy Tappe wrote about blue people and purple people in the 70's and mentioned indigo children. Most New Ager's books failed to mention that. What is Synesthesia?
Psychopomp From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Psychopomp Guide - Psychopomps from Around the World

Puts a new spin on channeling!
Psychopomps from Around the WorldArchangel Michael, Archangel Azrail, Anubis, Aurora Borealis, Anubis, Thoth, Horus, Abraham, St. Gabriel, Elijah, Namtar, Odin
Since the 1980's a lot of New Age books have been written of people claiming to get messages from a few of these. Of course in the 80's there was no internet and the lure of those books can be substantial if someone doesn't attend church and leans toward the occult, mediumship etc. But now as 2012 approaches one can easily check the internet and see what all this New Age stuff is about, check out the authors and see how much of it stands up to scrutiny.
Poop, nonsense, fantasy, fiction or schizoid. New Age is big money.
Nancy Tappe wrote about blue people and purple people in the 70's and mentioned indigo children. Most New Ager's books failed to mention that. What is Synesthesia?
Psychopomp From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Psychopomp Guide - Psychopomps from Around the World
Puts a new spin on channeling!
Archangel Azrail,
Archangel Michael,
Aurora Borealis,
indigo children,
St. Gabriel,
Sunday, October 3, 2010
A creature of folklore.
Other names for it include Pwwka, Pooka, Puka, Phouka, Púka, Pwca in Welsh, Bucca in Cornish, Pouque in Dgèrnésiais, Puca or Puck in English, Glashtyn in Gaelg, and Gruagach.
Harvey (play):
Harvey (movie):

Other names for it include Pwwka, Pooka, Puka, Phouka, Púka, Pwca in Welsh, Bucca in Cornish, Pouque in Dgèrnésiais, Puca or Puck in English, Glashtyn in Gaelg, and Gruagach.
Harvey (play):
Harvey (movie):
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