Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Why do we have dictators, despots and tyrants in the world?

These are extensions in space of the dictator complex present in the hearts and minds of all human beings. Instead of trying to force our opinions on others, we must learn how to change ourselves and we will change the world.
What is the world? The world is ourselves in agregation. Napoleon still lives, Ghenghis Khan still lives, as do Caesar and all others. They live in the consciousness of the race. Our boys and girls learn about them at their mother’s knees, at school and in college. They burn with resentment and rage at the apparent wrongs committed by these men. They read avidly of the crimes, atrocities, and acts of violence. These states are impressed on their subconscious minds. All of these moods, feelings and thoughts which are entertained become objectified as living realities. Moreover, these boys and girls suffer from nightmares, hysteria and various complexes because these moods of fear, hate, anger and resentment become the ghosts that walk the gloomy galleries of their minds.
Living in these states of mind--dwelling on dictators and tyrants, realizing that whatever is impressed in consciousness must be expressed in the world--man should not be surprised when these tyrants of the past are reborn into our society, because we actually call them forth. It is true in a sense, therefore, that Ghenghis Khan is reborn or reincarnated. He is an embodiment of the state of consciousness of the people, nation, race or world, whatever the case may be. The reader will see, that it is not a man who lived a thousand or two thousand years ago who is being reborn. It is a state of consciousness that is born again.
Rev. Joseph Murphy
THIS IS IT: The Art of Metaphysical Demonstration


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