Saturday, November 26, 2016

God is the Healer

"Become as a little child," and, learning how to be still, listen to that which the Father will say to you through the intuitional part of your being. The light that you so crave will come out of the deep silence and become manifest to you from within yourself, if you will but keep still and look for it from that source. Excerpt from LESSONS IN TRUTH by H. Emilie Cady

Saturday, November 19, 2016

The answer comes out of silence.

"We are completely unaware of our true nature because we constantly identify ourselves with our body, our emotions and our thoughts, thus losing sight of our unchanging centre which is pure consciousness." - Jean Klein

Friday, November 11, 2016

Happiness is peace in motion, peace is happiness at rest.

Deep within your soul is the God light of reason. Heed it.
So you will be good and do good.
This is your verse:

“God is Love - God is Spirit - God is Truth - God is Life.”

What's wrong with right now, unless you think about.

“The story, yours and mine- it’s what we all carry with us on this trip we take, and we owe it to each other to respect our stories and learn from them.”   - William Carlos  Williams

 "I can ask any of you right now:

Friday, November 4, 2016


Not truth, nor certainty. These I foreswore
In my novitiate, as young men called
To holy orders must abjure the world.
“If . . ., then . . .,” this only I assert;
And my successes are but pretty chains
Linking twin doubts, for it is vain to ask
If what I postulate be justified,
Or what I prove possess the stamp of fact.

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

The reality of this world is infinite consciousness or God's infinite being.

Meditation is a universal ‘Yes’ to everything.” Francis Lucille
HuangPo said, some 1200 years ago, "People neglect the reality of the illusory world.”
Who or what AM I? What aspect of experience has remained with me all my life? What aspect of my experience never appears or disappears? What aspect of my experience is present NOW, was present before that and even before that? What part of my experience was there when I was 5 years old and still remains?
A Course in Miracles meets Rupert Spira