Monday, October 31, 2011

We Are All Natural-Born Healers!

We are all "natural-born healers" for the simple reason that the healing presence of God is within all men, and all of us can contact IT with our thoughts. IT responds to all. This Healing Presence is in the dog, the cat, the tree, and the bird. It is omnipresent and is the life of all things.

Degrees of Faith
There are different degrees of faith. There is the man who, through faith, heals his ulcers, and another who heals a deep-seated, so-called incurable malignancy. It is as easy for the healing presence of God to heal a tubercular lung as it is to heal a Cut on your finger. There is no great or small in the God that made us all; there is no big or little, no hard or easy. Omnipotence is within all men. The prayers of the man who lays his hand on another in order to induce a healing simply appeal to the cooperation of the patient's unconscious, whether the latter knows it or not, or whether he ascribes it to Divine intercession or not, and a response takes place; for according to the patient's faith is it done unto him.

Blind Faith and True Faith
True faith is based on the knowledge of the way your conscious and subconscious minds function and on the combined harmonious functioning of these two levels of mind scientifically directed. Blind faith is healing without any scientific understanding whatsoever of the forces involved. The voodoo doctor or witch doctor in the jungles of Africa heals by faith, and so do the bones of dogs (believed to be the bones of saints by the believer), or anything else which moves man's mind from fear to faith.

In all instances -- regardless of the technique, modus operandi process, incantation, or invocation offered to saints and spirits -- it is the subconscious mind that does the healing. Whatever you believe is operative instantly in your subconscious mind.

"Step This Way For Healing"
by Dr. Joseph Murphy

The Reason the Old Ailment Returns
During consultation, a man said that he had been completely healed of ulcers but that later the condition had returned. I gathered in talking with him that some years ago he had been in business and his partner had embezzled funds and had absconded to Canada. Recently he heard that his ex-partner was very successful in business and also had become quite wealthy. This made him very agitated and resentful. He was living the role over again and reinfecting himself. The memory was not withered, not forgotten and not forgiven. The roots of resentment and hostility were still lurking in the recesses of his subconscious and, like a festering wound, sending psychic pus throughout his system. His ulcerated thoughts and emotions reactivated his ulcers.

I explained to him that forgiveness of himself and the other was absolutely essential for his health and well being and that he would know when he had forgiven because he could remember the incident and remain indifferent altogether—no feeling, no word. By living the scene or experience over again, he recreated the condition, and like the seed that recedes and grows again quarterly, annually, or biennially in the same way, the old ulcerated state appeared in a new form. Certain plants die and bud again according to season. It is essential to eradicate the cause to prevent a relapse of the disease. He decided definitely to release him completely in his mind, wishing for his ex-partner all the blessings of life, and a healing followed.

The Proof that You Are Free From Bitterness and Hostility
Can you see the other person as happy, harmonious, joyous, etc.? If not, you have not forgiven or forsaken. These are the weeds you must pluck out. The roots are still there, and the roots of bitterness wither by indifference. This is another way to kill that root: Listen to the voice of the other person who wronged you telling you what a wonderful, dignified person you are and how honest and kind you are. Make it real. You want to hear it. Get into the mood of that mental picture. It works.

Great Truths That Set Us Free
Joseph Murphy

Change water into wine!

Wine in the Bible always means the realization of your desires, urges, plans, dreams, propositions, etc.; in other words, it is the things you wish to accomplish, achieve, and bring forth.

in the Bible usually refers to your mind or consciousness. Water takes the shape of any vessel into which it is poured; likewise, whatever you feel and believe as true will become manifest in your world; thus you are always changing water into wine.

The first step in the mental acceptance of your idea, desire, or image is to relax, immobilize the attention, get still, and quiet. This quiet, relaxed, peaceful attitude of mind prevents extraneous matter and false ideas from interfering with the mental absorption of your ideal; furthermore in the quiet, passive, receptive attitude of mind effort is reduced to a minimum. In this relaxed manner affirm slowly and quietly several times a day the following:
"The perfection of God is now being expressed through me. The idea of health is now filling my subconscious mind. The image God has of me is a perfect image, and my subconscious mind recreates my body in perfect accordance to the perfect image held in the mind of God."
This is a simple, easy way of conveying the idea of perfect health to your subconscious mind.
Riches Are Your Right
Joseph Murphy

Sunday, October 30, 2011

A man of conviction.

Horatio Willis Dresser (1866–1945) was a New Thought religious leader and author. Born January 15, 1866 in Yarmouth, Maine to Julius and Annetta Seabury Dresser. His parents were involved in the early New Thought movement through their study with Phineas Parkhurst Quimby. In 1921, after the Library of Congress made Quimby's papers available, Dresser compiled and edited a selection of Quimby's works, The Quimby Manuscripts. Dr. David Seabury was his younger brother.
He was described, in an enthusiastic 1900 Atlanta Constitution article, as:

The Ego, Emotions and Thinking Functionally: Man is an emotional, mental, and spiritual being.

The aim of this book then is to take up three of the central factors in everybody's life. The first is about what is called the ego, the clever, very active agent in human consciousness which is gifted with the skills necessary to keep the various aspects of this complicated organism related to each other, aware of each other, and all working together to attain that deeply desired goal of self-expansion. For that universal desire means the development into the most successful use of every talent and purpose the individual may be endowed with.

Saturday, October 29, 2011


  • First, learn to relax and stay relaxed. Sit or lie down and allow all your limbs and then all your muscles, from head to toe, to become limp and easy. Stay comfortable, and relax your feelings and emotions, then your mind. Slow it down gently until the myriad thoughts are fewer. Do this once or twice a day or so, according to your individuality, and you will soon experience the difference between your body-machine and the Real Self. Now, practice thinking of a problem you are interested in, practice feeling successful, know that what you want is possible. Just take it quietly and you will be surprised at how you enjoy these periods of relaxation, and soon you will be going around your everyday life feeling better, less worried, and with a new poise and confidence.
  • When practicing your relaxed periods when you are quiet, imagine yourself as you really wish yourself to be, and with all the abilities and faculties you need. Imagine yourself successful, and create a mental image of yourself in this condition. Let this image, without strain, get strong, clear and definite, and as an actual picture-image.
  • Do this every time you relax, and then try to carry this new, successful image of yourself around in your awareness all the time. Soon it will become second nature. Your machine-body is now governed by a personal Self that is geared for success; ask it to do things for you, imagine them being done and finished, and the Abstract Self can respond with its built-in Success-Mechanism and cause you to 'home' on to your target.
  • Suppose you imagine a house you would like to live in. Depending on how much you have concentrated on our exercises, you should be able to hold a clear image of the house in your mind for several seconds, perhaps even minutes. But the architect, the specialist who designed the house, had to hold the image of the house, in totality, for perhaps many hours, and it was perhaps days or weeks before he completed all the final details that would enable it to be built in completeness. The final result is a complete crystallization of ALL the energy put into the totality of the whole idea of the house. It is made, not only of bricks and mortar, but all the work-energy put into it by the builders, all their emotions and struggles, and all the mental energy of the architect and so forth. The final result of all the various ideas and forms at different levels of matter is the physical matter-form of the house you were trying to think of.

  • Try aiming a morally harmless thought at a person when you enter a room. For example, that he will pick up a paper, or discuss something unusual, and make your thought simple, direct and clear. Imagine it actually happening, and know that with your new self-image based on success, it just WILL happen. You will be surprised how many times people will be impelled to take on the intent of your action.

  • One of the best exercises for developing, and proving, the power and creative ability of the mind - even on matter - is this: take the longest hair from your head and thread it through the eye of a needle. Also, thread it through a card balanced on top of a high tumbler, so that the needle hangs free in the middle of the glass. Try, each day, to imagine and will the needle to start moving, swinging against the sides of the glass. Have patience - it will work. Just the least movement to begin with, but gradually more and more momentum. You can eventually obstruct the course with a little water; with practice, however long it takes, you should be able to move not only the needle, but the glass as well!

The Method for Personal Success Summarized

Relax completely and do not allow your mind to wander. Think upon the ability, faculty or thing you wish for, and know that whatever you create in your mind, must come to pass, since you now have a positive self-image and faith in yourself. Hope for the required need earnestly, then project the thought out into space - it will find its mark. Now concentrate upon the image operating here and now upon somebody, the image's target, and then visualize that thing already with you and being used or operated by you. You have now completed the circle, which must start and end with you, since you have desired, imagined, hoped for, concentrated upon the people who can assist you and the actual thing you wish for, and you have believed it will come to pass.

Owing to the nature of our time-sequence, the thought must function in the time duration before the energy can leave you and gravitate to the other person, and then it has to be returned to you by a like process. There may be many intermediate steps that you could not have accounted for or conceived of in your imagination, but the energy must be returned to you. Hence, you must have sufficient patience to allow this time-sequence to be fulfilled, and you may feel that the images need re-enforcing - practice improves the process no end and sometimes there are factors which one has forgotten which might have helped reduce the time factor.

We suggest that you try this method on small things first, and when success comes, try larger ones. Remember, as you deal with larger volumes of energy, you are dealing with a larger mass, and the time-sequence could take longer to fulfill.

You, during every second of your waking life, are thinking through the conscious mechanism of the mind. These thoughts as energies pass into the subconscious, and the body reacts to these impulses according to the experience built into the brain capacity. Given the correct correspondence, the higher, or unconscious Self can also influence the personality to be happy and contented, or confused and miserable. Further, it is appreciated that we directly influence others around us (we also can make them happy, cooperative, etc.) by our personality traits which are a direct result of our conscious thoughts. We can also influence people to do things, move objects and so forth, quite directly. Now, given these conditions, it is logical to assume that by projecting our intention as a thought-form into the atmosphere, this thought-energy will have a reaction upon another person or thing and cause the intention of your abstract thought to bring you the object of your desire. Always remember, also, that the Abstract World is a unity in which all reflections of this, while apparently separate, are also in unity. You, the driver of your body-machine, are connected not only to this body, but also to this Abstract World by way of your own individuality, or Abstract Self. By using the processes that we have outlined to you, which incorporate the general laws connecting the various levels of being, there is no reason why you cannot obtain all that Nature has to offer. Practice on small things first, continue with the exercise, and success will breed success.

Now you try: First form the mental image of your intention with the full knowledge of your faith in yourself and your own ability, and fill this image with hope, or decision, that it will fulfill its intention. Now, direct your thoughts towards a person whom you know can carry out your wishes; then keep concentrating upon that person knowing or hoping that he or she will react in your favor, using also your complete and utter belief that the person WILL do it. Finally, and this is most important, visualize yourself with the object of your intention, here and now. For example, if you require a car, you are mentally driving it; you are mentally furnishing and living in it; if you need a beloved, think of yourself with her or him etc. There are other wishes, and which of course are concerned with you entirely, and these are not projected externally. For example, if you wish to study for something, you imagine yourself being utterly able to cope the understanding of the course, able to do all the exercises, and then imagine yourself successfully sitting the examination and with the final diploma etc. If you are ill, then you can change the ideation of illness to one of health. As you can see, your intention in these cases, is directed towards yourself.

Excerpted from THE WAY TO PERSONAL SUCCESS by H.C. Fairbrother, Ph.D. In Collaboration With Richard, Duc de Palatine, D.D. Ph.D.

Richard Duc de Palatine (1916-1978). Richard Duc de Palatine, born Ronald Powell, studied in Melbourne before being ordained as a priest of the Liberal Catholic Church. In the early 1950’s, like so many Australians of his generation, de Palatine journeyed to London where in 1953 he was consecrated as Bishop Richard John Chretien Duc de Palatine by the Patriarch Hugh George de Willmott Newman of the United Orthodox Catholic Rite. The name of Duc de Palatine is a personal and spiritual title. On the 25th of October, 1953 the Most Rev. Richard Duc de Palatine established in London the Pre-Nicene Gnosto-Catholic Church, with the stated object of “restoring the Gnosis – Divine Wisdom to the Christian Church, and to teach the Path of Holiness which leads to God and the Inner Illumination and Interior Communion with the Soul through the mortal body of man.”


When poverty stares you in the face (according to the seeming) you may know that the adversity is the result of adverse calculations in your problem. The adversary in this case is your dependence upon what mortal mind says, without reference to Divine Principle. You set the law into action in a manner adverse to righteousness, and the consequence is adversity in temporal affairs. How have you made the law work adversely? By a belief in limitation, which caused fear and doubt regarding the outcome of your plans, the fear and doubt brought forth what you expected; then the complaining and bemoaning your ill success increased the difficulty, and you held still more strongly to the belief that you were unfortunate. The fear, the complaints and admissions of “bad luck” (so-called) sets the law to work in appearance on the adverse or negative side. You acknowledge a false power every time you complain of adversity. You recognize a phantom as reality every time you admit poverty; you name it as something not good, and it stays by you as you admit it. It is all a mistake. Not a word of it is true.

The remedy is to reason yourself out of the belief by denying the poverty and everything that tends to limitation. Deny adversity and the fear of it. Deny that one can have more than another, or better judgment or more ability than another. In short, set your conscious mind into harmony with Divine Goodness and love, which means abundance of all that is good. Your denials will remove every obstacle to perfect realization, which comes by affirming the abundance you desire as already received. Hold to your affirmations with trust, and praise and thank God for abundance, even if you haven’t a penny. Give praise and thanks to the Giver of all good, and keep affirming abundance as already yours. Be patient and true to the Principle, and abundance will come to you, sometimes in very unexpected ways. You set the law to work in righteousness by praise and thanksgiving; while by the adverse plan you unconsciously push away the very thing you want by complaining and by admitting the not good.

Never tell anybody you are poor, no matter how apparent the poverty is to mortal sense; the abundance will never come by naming the lack of abundance. You invoke the negative forces (or what seems a force) when you name it or give it a conscious recognition in mind as a reality. You also invoke the Almighty Principle of goodness, Jehovah Jireh, the Provider, when you acknowledge it as all, and praise and glorify it as your only refuge, defense and supply, Your acknowledgment and trust of this great providing power sets the law into action, just as surely as the touch of the harp strings sets them to vibrating.
Source: Practical Healing for Mind and Body by Jane W. Yarnall [1891]

Jane Yarnall was an interesting New Thought figure in a couple of respects. She not only classified herself as a Divine Science writer but she also referred to her teachings as "Science of Mind" She wrote this when Ernest Holmes was a toddler!

Lest we remember!

When once you realize that you are not the man/woman/image in the mirror, then you will see your SELF, and you will see your Self face to face, as you are, and always eternally have been. You will see that though the one in the mirror appears to change, to age, it has nothing to do with YOU, with “I”, with Self, and thus, just as the dream last night fades in the morning light, so does your “self-image!” You will know your Self as you are Known and this knowing changes the picture. You know that you cannot change, age or die. You remain ever the same, regardless the appearances. But the truly wonderful thing is, things do change for you in knowing this. You no longer get sick, have the pains and miseries of those who seem to be complaining around you. You no longer need medications, doctors, insurance, or burial plans, for Truth makes you free of the image world. You still seem to be part of it, but you are no longer fooled by what you see and hear, you KNOW you are not “of” it. You feel lighter than air at times. Unweighted by the world of belief, you seem to soar above it all, watching from the pinnacle as the world sorts itself out beneath you. You take flight in your thoughts and at the end of “the day,” think of it all as a dream. You collect neither memories nor time, neither do you hold on to anything, for all that you see, hear, taste, smell and touch has any significance only in the moment, and eternally is neither here nor there, rather all that appears to be simply “is what it is” momentarily, a passing “thought.”

Your slogan is not, “Lest we forget,” rather “Lest we remember!” For unless the Spirit of Truth brings all things to your remembrance from before you dozed off – a moment ago - so to speak, and began to think you were the man in the mirror, there is nothing else worth recalling.
Excerpt from “CREATION” by Jane Woodward

Set before you are two trees (minds), one the knowledge of good and evil (double-mindedness) is an illusion, the other – the Real – is the Tree of Life (the Mind of Christ). Choose ye this day which you will serve. Choose Life. You have the mind of Christ – why move out of the garden of all good? Why put more on your self than you can bear? Why separate your self from the Love, which is God, when the Love You are can never separate Itself from you?

There is ONLY ONE POWER, one True and Living Power – One Life, One Mind, One Heart, One Love. Why run from that which cannot be escaped – the Omnipresent Oneness of Being, present in all places at all times – world without end? You only run from your Self, and there is no place to hide, but the Hiding Place, the Secret Place of the Most High.
Excerpt from Thoughts upon Awakening… by Jane Woodward.

Friday, October 28, 2011

The Science of Man

by Phineas Parkhurst Quimby
The greatest good that can be bestowed upon man is a knowledge of himself. This puts man in possession of a wisdom superior to circumstances. Man, without this wisdom, is a creature of circumstances, tossed about by every man's opinion. Religion is what flows from our belief and the misery is its torment; happiness is what follows our knowledge of God or truth. To illustrate the idea, I will suppose a case. Jesus took water as an illustration of this great truth or God; so I will take the same and show how our religion works, for true religion works by love or wisdom and purifies the heart of man. False religion is like a canker worm or poison that poisons the whole fountain.


New calculations reveal how the three "wing" stars of the Cygnus constellation correlate near perfectly with the positions of the Pyramids of Giza, both in a vertical and horizontal plane. This raises the question of whether the Giza pyramid field was created to conform to a grand design, a structural blueprint, involving the stars of Cygnus in their capacity as representations of the celestial womb of ancient Egypt's primeval sky-goddess. READ MORE

Cygnus is a northern constellation lying on the plane of the Milky Way. Its name is the Latinized Hellenic (Greek) word for swan. One of the most recognizable constellations of the northern summer and autumn, it features a prominent asterism known as the Northern Cross. Cygnus was among the 48 constellations listed by the 2nd century astronomer Ptolemy, and it remains one of the 88 modern constellations.

Are We Governed by Our Belief?

by Phineas Parkhurst Quimby
Are we as individuals governed by any one belief? My answer is, we are not; yet I once thought otherwise and my practice proved the folly of such a belief. Man is the embodiment of public opinion and science is the embodiment of God's wisdom. Each embodiment comes to the world or man's senses through a medium and the medium being man, we give to him the praise. Here is a great mistake, for we are liable to get into trouble by this error. The wisdom of the world is like an ocean surrounded by inlets, harbors and false lights to decoy the traveller into the land of the priests who come and give an account of their pretended country, and men believe their story.

The capacity of thought-reading is the common extent of mesmerism.

Clairvoyance is very rare and can be easily tested by blind-folding the subject and giving him a book to read. If he can read without seeing, that is conclusive evidence that he has independent sight. This was my test during my experiments. This state is of very short duration. They then come into that state where they are governed by surrounding minds. All the mediums of this day reason about medicine as much as the regular physicians. ―They both believe in disease, and both recommend medicine. When I mesmerize my subject, he would prescribe some little simple herb that would do no harm or good of itself. In some cases this would cure the patient. I also found that any medicine would cure certain cases, if he ordered it. 

Know when not to pick a fight.

On the morning of April 3, 2003, the 101st stood outside the holiest Shia mosque in all Iraq, watching hundreds of Iraqis suddenly turn on U.S. troops. Lt. Col. Chris Hughes had led them into the city to liberate it, but agitators had spread the lie that the Americans were going to seize the mosque and arrest the cleric.

Hughes could have muscled his way in, but he took another approach.

"Everybody smile!" he ordered his troops, as CBS News cameras rolled. "Don't point your weapons at them. Take a knee, relax!"

For his tense soldiers, "taking a knee" first meant taking a deep breath. They did, and the crowd's mood eased. Hughes then ordered his men to withdraw.

His informed directives saved lives. In the Arab culture, a blank face indicates hostility while a smiling face conveys friendship. The Soldiers' turning their backs on the crowd showed trust.

Because of their commander's knowledge of Arab culture, the Soldiers were able to defuse this dangerous situation.

He avoided a massacre that minutes before seemed a gunshot away. But to Hughes, the strategic victory was preserving the mosque.

"In terms of scale of significance, that is the mosque that would have probably not just have caused every Shia in that country to rise up against the coalition," Hughes said. "It probably would have at least brought in the Syrians, if not the Iranians."

As he proved outside the mosque in Najaf, Chris Hughes knows when not to pick a fight.
Lt. Col. Chris Hughes, who won a big battle by never firing a shot.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

The Historical Destiny of the United States.

Extract from Alter Your Life by Emmet Fox (1931)

The intellectual understanding of law was one of the conditions needed for the re-birth of this truth; and an outward condition of political freedom with a tradition of personal independence of judgment was the other essential factor.

We will now pause to consider why, when this doctrine was to come into the world, it should need the special social and political conditions which were only to be found in the United States, and to provide which, in fact, the United States had really been brought into existence. It actually came into expression among the simple, unlearned, everyday people of New England―farmers, small traders, artisans, and so forth. A great idea never arrives in the world at one isolated point: it always "comes through" at about the same time, but in varied degrees of clearness, in a number of different places. When we understand that there is a general race-mind common to all human beings, we see why this must be so. These ideas percolate through at various points whenever, for one reason or another, there is an easy passage. We say that certain ideas are "in the air." Now these ideas were "in the air," i.e., in the race-mind, at this period; and so it happened that several people got them in various degrees of intensity about the same time. There has since been some little discussion in various quarters as to who should have the honor of priority, but that point is of no importance whatever. The honor of priority, if it is to go to anyone, probably belongs to Phineas Parkhurst Quimby, a practical clockmaker of Portland [Belfast], Maine. Quimby was quite without what is conventionally called education. He had practically no schooling, much less scholarship; but he was naturally a very spiritual man, and he had the great quality of open-mindedness, and much natural intelligence. Like Faraday[1], a working bookbinder and a genius of somewhat similar type who is sometimes called the Father of Electrical Engineering, Quimby had a natural gift for scientific experimentation, and this he applied to the subject of mental and spiritual healing. But the thing was in the air generally. Emerson, of course, is the prophet of the teaching―but Emerson[2] with his academic detachment from actualities did not discover its practical application to the healing of the body and affairs. Prentice Mulford got it too, independently, but by no means as clearly as Quimby did, and he seems never to have distinguished definitely between the spiritual and the psychic. There were a number of other pioneers, too.

Prentice Mulford

A natural question that presents itself at this point is this: Why was this discovery, the most important discovery in the whole history of mankind, left to a self-educated working clockmaker? Why was the discovery not made at Harvard, or Yale, or Oxford, or Cambridge, or any of the great centers of learning on the Continent? Why, for that matter, was not the Great Truth revealed to one of the Bishops or Archbishops, or to any of the recognized intellectual or spiritual leaders? Is it that the Holy Spirit has a preference for simple uneducated people, and a prejudice against learning and leadership? The answer is, of course, that the Holy Spirit, which really means the Wisdom of God in action, has no preferences whatever. Do we not know that God is no respecter of persons? But there is one indispensable condition that must be present if spiritual revelation is to be received―there must be an open mind, and freedom from spiritual pride. Jesus formulated this rule when he said, "If you want to enter the Kingdom of Heaven you must become like a little child," and our modern academic education, both religious and secular, has manifested one paralyzing defect―it has not developed spiritual or intellectual humility. On the contrary, it has displayed a fatal tendency to foster spiritual pride. Men and women of academic training too often come to feel―not always consciously―that things must happen in a certain way, because that is the way that they have been trained to expect them to happen―and the voice of God is forever whispering, "Behold, I make all things new."

Other things being equal, this message would have come to the leaders of the great universities, or to the heads of the great churches, because, in consequence of their official positions, such people would have been able to give the message out more quickly, and to larger numbers of people than any obscure man could have done; and as Divine Wisdom always chooses the way of efficiency it would have chosen such channels in preference; but alas, these channels were closed. The clearest open channel for the Jesus Christ teaching was the clockmaker of Portland [Belfast], and because we always get at all times just what we deserve (which means just what we are ready for), the clockmaker got the revelation. Once more the finger of God had put down the mighty from their seats, and exalted the humble and unknown.

[Extracted from Alter Your Life(1931), "The Historical Destiny of the United States," pages 206-209.][201-203 HARPER COLLINS 1994]

[1] Michael Faraday, FRS (1791 – 1867) was an English chemist and physicist (or natural philosopher, in the terminology of the time) who contributed to the fields of electromagnetism and electrochemistry. At fourteen he became apprenticed to a local bookbinder and bookseller and, during his seven-year apprenticeship, he read many books, including Isaac Watts' The Improvement of the Mind, and he enthusiastically implemented the principles and suggestions that it contained. He developed an interest in science, especially in electricity. Although Faraday received little formal education and knew little of higher mathematics, such as calculus, he was one of the most influential scientists in history.

[2] Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803 – 1882) was an American essayist, lecturer, and poet, who led the Transcendentalist movement of the mid-19th century. He was seen as a champion of individualism and a prescient critic of the countervailing pressures of society, and he disseminated his thoughts through dozens of published essays and more than 1,500 public lectures across the United States. Emerson's religious views were often considered radical at the time. He believed that all things are connected to God and, therefore, all things are divine. Evidently Emerson was not amused over the "Rochester Rappings" or "Rochester Knockings" as they had become to be known.

Monday, October 24, 2011

Church of Truth

Dr. Albert Grier(1864-1941), studied at University of Michigan where he graduated with a Degree in Science in 1886. He then studied for the ministry in 1890 and became a Minister in the Universalist Church in Spokane, Washington. He was gifted healer and a teacher of mental, physical, and spiritual healing using the Universal Principles. He began actively to preach spiritual healing. His church was liberal, at least theologically, but it was not liberal enough to accept such teaching. So Albert C. Grier left the Universalist churchin 1913 and founded what he called the Church of the Truth in Spokane, Washington. Albert C. Grier himself eventually left Spokane and took over a small Unity group in Pasadena, California, forming it into a Church of the Truth[1].

Note: Around 1910 Rev. A. C. Grier of Spokane delivered the dedicatory sermon, consecrating the Park Universalist Church of Tacoma, Washington, the church to the principle of love. In 1911 the congregation invited Rev. Henry V. Morgan to become their minister. Thus began a pastorate that would last 40 years until Rev. Morgan's death in 1952. In 1924, Rev. Henry Morgan followed Rev. Grier's example. He resigned from Universalist church and successfully petitioned the denomination to sell him the church building. In 1926, Morgan and his congregation associated themselves with the Divine Science denomination and changed the name of the church to the Church of the Healing Christ.
He was later called to New York to succeed Dr. W. John Murray of the Church of the Healing Christ, one of a succession of New Thought leaders to have captured the popular interest in New York City, he was succeeded by Edward Mills, who brought property, built a substantial church, and served as its leader until his death, being succeeded by his much beloved wife, affectionately known as Mother Mary. Dr. Grier, eventually left the Church of the Healing Christ, to be followed by Emmet Fox, and started de novo[2] a Church of the Truth, which he led until his retirement.

His daughter, Gladys Grier, who had come as his assistant, carried on the work until 1940, when Ervin Seale, who had had his apprenticeship under Dr. Erma Wells[3] in Spokane, became minister and began to build up his extensive following. It was after the untimely death of Emmet Fox that Dr. Seale moved his congregation into famous Carnegie Hall.
"Knowing the Truth is simply another way of saying we know God, And knowing God is knowing, not the essential nature of God, but the Principle on which God works . . . So, therefore, knowing the Principle is knowing God in all essentials." ~ Dr. Albert Grier

Master Mind Magazine, April 1912 to September 1912 By Annie Rix Militz

"No two persons can pursue the same methods, but the Spirit of Truth will lead into all Truth," determined by one's vision and individuality. ~ Dr. Albert Grier

[1] Church of Truth refers to a community of ministries in the United States, founded in 1913. Dr. Albert C. Grier founded his first Church of the Truth in 1913 in Washington State in the town of Spokane. This was the first of 22 Churches of Truth founded by him in the early 20th Century. His aim was to create a place which would heal the total human, mind, body and soul, and thus create a full awakening of the Christ within.

The Church of Truth was part of the New Thought movement. The Church of Truth has a vision:
"We are inclusive community of Christ centered, prosperous healing ministries, which through affirmative prayer and support, empower all people to awaken the Christ within."

The Church of Truth, Pasadena, CA

Our Vision

“Live the Light...

Give the Light...

Bring Heaven to Earth Everyday”.

[2] de novo is a Latin expression meaning "from the beginning," "afresh," "anew," "beginning again."

[3]The Rev. Erma W. Wells was the assistant minister for Dr. Grier, and later became the senior minister. She became well known in the Spokane community in the early 1900's and onward to her retirement in 1947. She was the first woman minister in Spokane, had a lively radio ministry, wrote several books and plays, and ministered to her large congregation for over 35 years. She established the University of Metaphysics, a viable ministerial school for many years, licensed to ordain Church of Truth ministers under Washington State Laws.

Healing without a license.

Rev. William John Murray(1865-1925) had an unusual background. A man of short, square build, with black hair, a frank, open face and a very forceful, positive delivery; there was yet an air of gentleness and spirituality about him. In 1896 he was married to Ms. Sara Van Alen Pollard and entered business with his brother in Santa Barbara. Within a short time Mrs. Murray became seriously ill and her case was pronounced hopeless by the best physicians available, different climates and methods of cure having failed, as well as orthodox prayers. She was then restored to health by Christian Science. This healing so impressed the Murrays that they decided to make a study of this new means of cure and to devote their lives to activities along that line.

In order to enlarge their scope of ministering to the needy the Murrays removed to New York in 1902. He also had studied with Emma Curtis Hopkins and was ordained by Nona Brooks [Divine Science] before undertaking independent metaphysical work in New York. As they had lost children of their own, they meanwhile adopted several. They also assumed charge of, and healed scores of children, absolutely sacrificing their time and substance for this purpose. They learned of an abandoned baby on Randall's Island who was declared hopeless by the city authorities. According to medical diagnosis, it was blind, scrofulous, and had curvature of the spine. Nurses refused to touch it. The Murrays brought this child to their home. It was healed and made every whit whole and perfect.

He attracted a large number of people who came to him for healing, and it is said that he was so intent on study that he read books as he walked on the sidewalks of New York.

In August 1907, with seven friends, Mr. and Mrs. Murray organized the "Society for the Study of Divine Metaphysics." The object of the group was to understand and to apply the Truth as taught and practiced by Jesus in the overcoming of sin and the healing of disease. In other words, it was an effort to re-establish what might be called Apostolic Christianity.

The Society almost at once outgrew its initial meeting place, a dining room adjacent to the elevated railroad where, every few minutes, the talk had to be suspended while the train passed. Successive assembly places - nine in number until they achieved a significant attendance which justified their entry into the Hotel Astor. They incurred a continual expansion and the necessity of meeting an ever increasing rental and these heavy responsibility fell upon Mrs. Murray when other means of assessment failed.

About this time our Society was incorporated as a church under the New York laws, of the denomination of Divine Science. The name of the organization itself was adopted, at the suggestion of Mrs. Murray, as the Church of the Healing Christ.

In the early days of his work, the metaphysical movement was subject to hostility from the medical profession, and on one occasion, in December 1915, Dr. Murray was arrested, by two undercover NYPD detectives who observed him praying over an individual for healing (N.Y. Times, Dec. 17, 1915), and put into jail for practicing without a medical license. Having drawn many prominent persons into the movement, including attorneys, he was soon released, and there was no recurrence of this kind.

This action by the District Attorney evoked much discussion and wide editorial comment and also public protests from prominent persons. The outcome of the case was the vindication of the individual's right to seek healing through prayer by those qualified to give such aid. Judge Breen eventually acquitted Mr. Murray of the charge and established the right of a member of a church, with spiritual healing as one of its tenets, to practice healing according to that method.

Those who had the privilege of hearing our pastor's first talk after he was bailed out of the Tombs, where he had been confined for several hours for this alleged crime, know he never in after years surpassed the spiritual heights which he reached on that occasion of our Wednesday evening meeting in the Hotel Majestic. His face was glorified by courage and faith and love as he exhorted us at all times to "fear not, stand still and see the salvation of the Lord."

Soon after this excellent advertisement the seating capacity of the Astor was inadequate and the church moved to the grand ball room of the Waldorf Astoria, where it remained.

His Waldorf lectures were taken down in shorthand and became the substance of many books, and it was reported that ministers of evangelical churches frequently attended in the effort to learn his method of reinterpreting the Scriptures.

Rev. Nona Brooks took charge of Rev. Murray's work in New York for several months in the summer of 1917 while Rev. John Murray was in London taking the work of Judge Thomas Troward. Nona Brooks loved New York, and at Dr. Murray's request the center there has been given permission by The Denver College to be called The First Divine Science Church of New York City as well as its secondary name, The Church of the Healing Christ.

At his passing he was succeeded for a time by Dr. A.C. Grier and Emmet Fox eventually succeeded him.

Saturday, October 22, 2011


You can’t build the future in the future. You can only plan for it by constructive programs and positive actions today. There is now something for you to take, and something for you to give. Your giving may be only a courteous attention to another man’s ideas, but that is something–in fact, much. When this act of giving and taking is wisely repeated you learn not only that you can produce a constantly unfolding life, but how–which is to some point.



Friday, October 21, 2011

Safety and Labeling of GMO’s

Excerpted from : A statement to the Food and Drug Administration
Chicago, Illinois • November 18, 1999
Safety: One obvious concern about GMOs is that they might cause allergic reactions. In one prominent case, a company added to soybeans a Brazil-nut gene for a known allergen. Thanks to appropriate testing, the problem was discovered and the company never marketed the product. The FDA strongly encourages, but does not require, companies to conduct studies when a gene is transferred from a plant that is known to be a common allergen. Importantly, the Brazil-nut allergen gene was identified only because the allergen was known and could be tested for. But what if a protein newly introduced into the food supply causes occasional allergic reactions? Or if a new gene did not encode an allergen, but turned on dormant genes that did code for allergens? Or if a protein led to a behavior disorder, interfered with a medicine, or had other subtle effects? It would be difficult to identify such problems before or after marketing.

Another concern is that levels of naturally occurring toxins, such as solanine, might be increased in GM versions of plants. The FDA encourages companies to screen for such substances, but does not require them to do so and report to the FDA the results of their studies. It may be unlikely, but is not inconceivable, that a genetically engineered food would engender a novel toxicity, as suggested by the recent study, published in The Lancet, of biotech potatoes.

Risks of allergic reactions may be small, but are real; other risks may be speculative, but are not non-existent. The possibility of requiring routine toxicity studies should be considered; at the very least more research in this area should be conducted.

Labeling: For people with multiple or severe allergies, or with general safety concerns, GMOs raise warning flags. Those people fear that foods they were always able to consume might harbor new substances to which they might be sensitive.

Second, many people are troubled by potential ecological effects of GMO crops, such as harm to wildlife or promotion of pesticide-resistant insects or weeds.

Vegetarians and people with certain religious beliefs may wish not to consume foods containing gene products derived from animals. Other people believe it is simply unethical to move genes between distant species, such as putting a gene from an animal into a plant.

Regardless of what one thinks of the validity of those concerns, labeling would enable those consumers to avoid biotech foods. Labeling is supported by most Americans, according to public-opinion polls.


“Ultimately, it is the food producer who is responsible for assuring safety.”
— FDA, “Statement of Policy: Foods Derived from New Plant Varieties”
(GMO Policy), Federal Register, Vol. 57, No. 104 (1992), p. 22991

Wisconsin residents:

"Do not have a fundamental right to own and use a dairy cow or a dairy herd;"

"Do not have a fundamental right to consume the milk from their own cow;"

"Do not have a fundamental right to board their cow at the farm of a farmer;"

"Do not have a fundamental right to produce and consume the foods of their choice;" and

Cannot enter into private contracts without State police power intervention.

Judge Patrick J. Fiedler's Decision
in Farm-to-Consumer Legal Defense Fund vs Wisconsin Dept of Agriculture, 9 Sept. 2011

FOOD FREEDOM: Decentralize, Grow Your Own, Buy Local.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Raw Milk: Call for Action

Fundraising t-shirts for Canadian Constitutional Foundation
Take Action Now – Raw Milk – Michael Schmidt Hunger Strike

As many of you already know Michael Schmidt is on a hunger strike. This is day #19 and he is getting weaker by the day. Many of us are getting very concerned about this and I have been asked to circulate this letter so that people can take action. As you will see when you read Michael’s letter to Dalton McGuinty, what he is asking is not out of line and should be part of his rights as a Canadian citizen. . . .

Dalton McGuinty Premier of Ontario
Queen's Park Office 111 Wellesley St. W.
Toronto, ON M7A 1A1
Tel: (416) 325-1941 Fax: (416) 325-3745

Ted McMeekin — Minister Of Agriculture, Food And Rural Affairs

Deb Matthews — Minister Of Health And Long-Term Care

Dr. Eric Hoskins — Minister Of Children And Youth Services

Raw Milk is one issue that seems common to many countries.

The Food Supply in general, GMO's, Organic Farms.

The Panic of 1873 was the start of the Long Depression, a severe nationwide economic depression in the US that lasted until 1879. In 1874 thousands of unemployed demonstrated in NY’s Tomkins Square Park. The largest demonstration ever at that time. The NBER dates the contraction following the panic lasted from Oct 1873 to Mar 1879. At 65 months, it's the longest-lasting contraction identified by the NBER, eclipsing the Great Depression's 43 months. Following the end of the episode in 1879, the U.S. economy remained unstable, experiencing recessions for 114 of the 253 months until Jan 1901.
The depression began with a building boom in Europe, with rapid building construction taking place in Vienna, Paris and Berlin.
Mortgages were easy to get and large British banks happily made loans to developers. Mortgages were also available from new savings banks designed for the middle-classes. People used half-completed buildings as collateral because credit was so easy to obtain. This created a housing bubble.
The crisis hit when Russia and Central Europe couldn’t compete with American exports of wheat and other crops, including kerosene which undermined the use of rapeseed oil for cooking. Banks no longer wanted to lend so easily. Eventually the stock market in Vienna crashed and the crisis spread to Western Europe.

California apparently does allow the sale of raw milk but requires a permit to do so.

"Some Like It Raw", an article on raw milk legislation and the appalling behavior of the California Department of Food and Agriculture, with evidence of influence by large dairy lobbying organizations.
"The Revolution Will Not Be Pasteurized", an article on raw milk, consumers, laws, and microbes good and bad.

Organic Pastures Family-Owned and Operated Organic Raw Dairy, Farm, & Creamery

Claravale Farm Producing Pure and Natural, Raw Dairy Products Since 1927

Real Raw Milk Facts

I don't have to tell you things are bad. Everybody knows things are bad. It's a depression. Everybody's out of work or scared of losing their job. The dollar buys a nickel's worth, banks are going bust, shopkeepers keep a gun under the counter. Punks are running wild in the street and there's nobody anywhere who seems to know what to do, and there's no end to it. We know the air is unfit to breathe and our food is unfit to eat, and we sit watching our TVs while some local newscaster tells us that today we had fifteen homicides and sixty-three violent crimes, as if that's the way it's supposed to be! We know things are bad - worse than bad, They're crazy! It's like everything everywhere is going crazy, so we don't go out anymore. We sit in the house, and slowly the world we are living in is getting smaller, and all we say is, 'Please, at least leave us alone in our living rooms. Let me have my toaster and my TV and my steel-belted radials and I won't say anything. Just leave us alone!' Well, I'm not gonna leave you alone! I want you to get MAD! I don't want you to protest. I don't want you to riot - I don't want you to write to your congressman because I wouldn't know what to tell you to write. I don't know what to do about the depression and the inflation and the Russians and the crime in the street. All I know is that first you've got to get mad! You've got to say, "I'm a human being, goddammit! My life has value!" So, I want you to get up now. I want all of you to get up out of your chairs. I want you to get up right now, and go to the window, open it, and stick your head out and yell: "I'm as mad as hell, and I'm not going to take this anymore!" I want you to get up right now, sit up, go to your windows, open them and stick your head out and yell - 'I'm as mad as hell and I'm not going to take this anymore!' Things have got to change. But first, you've gotta get mad!... You've got to say, 'I'm as mad as hell, and I'm not going to take this anymore!' Then we'll figure out what to do about the depression and the inflation and the oil crisis. But first get up out of your chairs, open the window, stick your head out, and yell, and say it: I'm as mad as hell, and I'm not going to take this anymore! Network is a 1976 film about a TV network that cynically exploits a deranged ex-TV anchor's ravings and revelations about the media for its own profit. It is an Academy Award winning film and #66 on the AFI's 100 Movies list.

'A government big enough to give you everything you want, is big enough to take away everything you have".~ Thomas Jefferson

Our small Kootenay BC organic farm and cowshare. Enjoy our website, and pasture based organic working knowledge and theories. Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote.

Practical Fruits

William James, in his Varieties of Religious Experience, had this to say about New Thought, known at the time as "mind cure": The plain fact remains that the spread of the movement has been due to practical fruits, and the extremely practical turn of character of the American people has never been better shown than by the fact that this, their only decidedly original contribution to the systematic philosophy of life, should be so intimately knit up with concrete therapeutics.

The Varieties of Religious Experience: A Study in Human Nature is a book by the Harvard University psychologist and philosopher William James that comprises his edited Gifford Lectures on "Natural Theology" delivered at the University of Edinburgh in Scotland between 1901 and 1902.

These lectures concerned the nature of religion and the neglect of science, in James' view, in the academic study of religion. Soon after its publication, the book entered the canon of psychology and philosophy, and has remained in print for over a century.

"The value, the potency of ideals is the great practical truth on which the New Thought most strongly insists—the development namely from within outward, from small to great. Consequently one's thought should be centred on the ideal outcome, even though this trust be literally like a step in the dark. To attain the ability thus effectively to direct the mind, the New Thought advises the practice of concentration, or in other words, the attainment of self-control. One is to learn to marshal the tendencies of the mind, so that they may be held together as a unit by the chosen ideal. To this end, one should set apart times for silent meditation, by one's self, preferably in a room where the surroundings are favorable to spiritual thought. In New Thought terms, this is called 'entering the silence.'"H. W. DRESSER: Voices of Freedom – 1900

The oldest of the five children of Henry James Sr., a theologian, and the brother of Henry James, the novelist. The family lived in Europe for five years and returned to the USA, eventually settling in Cambridge, Massachusetts, where James remained for the rest of his life. Unusual for a philosopher, he was happily married and had five children.

He entered Harvard Medical School in 1863 and graduated with a doctor of medicine (MD) after six years. His education was interrupted by bouts of illness and depression, which he was able to overcome only by what has been described as a “Promethean act of will.” For almost three years after receiving his MD, James lived in his family home battling ill health and depression. He would later describe this depression as a “crisis of meaning” brought on by his studies in science. These left him feeling that there was no ultimate meaning in life, and that his belief in freewill and God were illusions. James suffered panic attacks and hallucinations just like his father before him, which caused him to believe that his illness was rooted in a biological determinism he could not overcome. One day in April of 1870, after reading an essay by Charles Renouvier[1], his psychological fever began to subside. He had come to believe that freewill was not an illusion and that his own will could alter his psychological state. As he writes in his journal from that time:
“I think that yesterday was a crisis in my life. I finished the first part of Renouvier’s second Essais and see no reason why his definition of free will — ‘the sustaining of a thought because I choose to when I might have other thoughts’ — need be the definition of an illusion. At any rate, I will assume for the present — until next year — that it is no illusion. My first act of free will shall be to believe in free will.”

Together with Charles Sanders Peirce[2], who first coined the term, James founded the philosophical school of pragmatism, which holds that the meaning of an idea is to be sought in its practical effects, that the function of thought is to guide action, and that truth is to be tested by the practical consequences of belief.

[1] Charles Bernard Renouvier (1815 – 1903) was a French philosopher. Renouvier became an important influence upon the thought of American psychologist and philosopher William James. James wrote that "but for the decisive impression made on me in the 1870s by his masterly advocacy of pluralism, I might never have got free from the monistic superstition under which I had grown up."

[2] Charles Sanders Peirce (1839 – 1914) was an American philosopher, logician, mathematician, and scientist, born at 3 Phillips Place in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Peirce was educated as a chemist and employed as a scientist for 30 years. Today he is appreciated largely for his contributions to logic, mathematics, philosophy, and semiotics, and for his founding of pragmatism. In 1934, the philosopher Paul Weiss called Peirce "the most original and versatile of American philosophers and America's greatest logician".

An innovator in mathematics, statistics, philosophy, research methodology, and various sciences, Peirce considered himself a logician first and foremost. He made major contributions to logic, but logic for him encompassed much of that which is now called epistemology and philosophy of science. He saw logic as the formal branch of semiotics, of which he is a founder. As early as 1886 he saw that logical operations could be carried out by electrical switching circuits, the same idea as was used decades later to produce digital computers.

Peirce's most important work in pure mathematics was in logical and foundational areas. He also worked on linear algebra, matrices, various geometries, topology and Listing numbers, Bell numbers, graphs, the four-color problem[3], and the nature of continuity. He worked on applied mathematics in economics, engineering, and map projections (such as the Peirce quincuncial projection), and was especially active in probability and statistics. Peirce made a number of striking discoveries in formal logic and foundational mathematics, nearly all of which came to be appreciated only long after he died.

[3]In mathematics, the four color theorem, or the four color map theorem states that, given any separation of a plane into contiguous regions, producing a figure called a map, no more than four colors are required to color the regions of the map so that no two adjacent regions have the same color. Two regions are called adjacent only if they share a common boundary of non-zero length (i.e. other than a single point) that is not shared with a third region. For example, Utah and Arizona are adjacent, but Utah and New Mexico, which only share a point that also belongs to Arizona and Colorado, are not.

Despite the motivation from coloring political maps of countries, the theorem is not of particular interest to mapmakers. According to an article by the math historian Kenneth May[4],
"Maps utilizing only four colours are rare, and those that do usually require only three. Books on cartography and the history of mapmaking do not mention the four-color property."

[4] Kenneth O. May (1915 – 1977) was an American mathematician and historian of mathematics.