Degrees of Faith
There are different degrees of faith. There is the man who, through faith, heals his ulcers, and another who heals a deep-seated, so-called incurable malignancy. It is as easy for the healing presence of God to heal a tubercular lung as it is to heal a Cut on your finger. There is no great or small in the God that made us all; there is no big or little, no hard or easy. Omnipotence is within all men. The prayers of the man who lays his hand on another in order to induce a healing simply appeal to the cooperation of the patient's unconscious, whether the latter knows it or not, or whether he ascribes it to Divine intercession or not, and a response takes place; for according to the patient's faith is it done unto him.
Blind Faith and True Faith
True faith is based on the knowledge of the way your conscious and subconscious minds function and on the combined harmonious functioning of these two levels of mind scientifically directed. Blind faith is healing without any scientific understanding whatsoever of the forces involved. The voodoo doctor or witch doctor in the jungles of Africa heals by faith, and so do the bones of dogs (believed to be the bones of saints by the believer), or anything else which moves man's mind from fear to faith.
In all instances -- regardless of the technique, modus operandi process, incantation, or invocation offered to saints and spirits -- it is the subconscious mind that does the healing. Whatever you believe is operative instantly in your subconscious mind.

"Step This Way For Healing"
by Dr. Joseph Murphy
The Reason the Old Ailment Returns
During consultation, a man said that he had been completely healed of ulcers but that later the condition had returned. I gathered in talking with him that some years ago he had been in business and his partner had embezzled funds and had absconded to Canada. Recently he heard that his ex-partner was very successful in business and also had become quite wealthy. This made him very agitated and resentful. He was living the role over again and reinfecting himself. The memory was not withered, not forgotten and not forgiven. The roots of resentment and hostility were still lurking in the recesses of his subconscious and, like a festering wound, sending psychic pus throughout his system. His ulcerated thoughts and emotions reactivated his ulcers.
I explained to him that forgiveness of himself and the other was absolutely essential for his health and well being and that he would know when he had forgiven because he could remember the incident and remain indifferent altogether—no feeling, no word. By living the scene or experience over again, he recreated the condition, and like the seed that recedes and grows again quarterly, annually, or biennially in the same way, the old ulcerated state appeared in a new form. Certain plants die and bud again according to season. It is essential to eradicate the cause to prevent a relapse of the disease. He decided definitely to release him completely in his mind, wishing for his ex-partner all the blessings of life, and a healing followed.
The Proof that You Are Free From Bitterness and Hostility
Can you see the other person as happy, harmonious, joyous, etc.? If not, you have not forgiven or forsaken. These are the weeds you must pluck out. The roots are still there, and the roots of bitterness wither by indifference. This is another way to kill that root: Listen to the voice of the other person who wronged you telling you what a wonderful, dignified person you are and how honest and kind you are. Make it real. You want to hear it. Get into the mood of that mental picture. It works.

Joseph Murphy