Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Self-actualizing people share the following qualities:

You’re not the one driving the bus.

Knowing you are enough, allows you to let go of what no longer serves you or may even be blocking you as you take time to fully love you and release all judgement, then you can step into the abundance in any area of life that you desire.

Live with total integrity.

Be transparent, honest, and authentic. Do not ever waiver from this; white lies and false smiles quickly snowball into a life lived out of alignment. It is better to be yourself and risk having people not like you than to suffer the stress and tension that comes from pretending to be someone you’re not, or professing to like something that you don’t. I promise you: Pretending will rob you of joy.

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Study identifies brain areas altered during hypnotic trances

Your eyelids are getting heavy, your arms are going limp and you feel like you're floating through space.

Is Hypnosis All in Your Head?

Brain Scans Suggest