Friday, August 29, 2014


Many people apply various kinds of salve or balm to old emotional wounds, but this simply does not work. They may self-righteously fore-go overt and physical revenge, yet "take it out" or "get even" in many subtle ways. A typical example is the wife who discovers her husband's infidelity. Upon the advice of her minister and/or psychiatrist, she agrees she should forgive him. Accordingly she does not shoot him. She does not leave him. In all overt behavior she is a dutiful wife. She keeps the house neatly; she prepares meals well; and so on. But she makes his life hell on earth in many subtle ways by the coldness of her heart and by flaunting her moral superiority. When he complains, her answer is, "Well, dear, I did forgive you-but I cannot forget." Her very "forgiveness" becomes a thorn in his side, because she is conscious of the fact that it is proof of her moral superiority. She would have been more kind to him, and been happier herself, had she refused this type of forgiveness and left him.

Kitcheners’ Walper Hotel becomes Windsor House Hotel for Murdoch Mysteries


A Child, a Man and then a Spirit, come
In all Your loveliness. Unless You shine
Upon my life, it is a loss to You,
And what is loss to You is also mine.

I cannot calculate why I am here
Except for this: I know that I have come
to seek You here and find You. In Your life
You show the way to my eternal home.

A child, a man and then a spirit. So
I follow in the way You show to me
That I may come at last to be like You.
What but Your likeness would I want to be?

There is a silence where You speak to me
And give me words of love to say for You
To those You send to me . And I am blessed
Because in them I see You shining through.

There is no gratitude that I can give
For such a gift. The light around Your head
Must speak for me, for I am dumb beside
Your gentle hand with which my soul is led.

I take Your gift in holy hands, for You
Have blessed them with Your own. Come, brothers, see
How like to Christ am I, and I to you
Whom He has blessed and holds as one with me.

A perfect picture of what I can be
You show to me, that I might help renew
Your brothers' failing sight. As they look up
Let them not look on me, but only You.

Prayer for Christlikeness

Monday, August 25, 2014

R U Tuned In

 “They say a person needs just three things to be truly happy in this world:
someone to love,
something to do, and
something to hope for.”
Tom Bodett
“Expect your every need to be met, expect the answer to every problem, expect abundance on every level, expect to grow spiritually.” ~ Eileen Caddy
“Find ecstasy in life;
 the mere sense of living is joy enough.”

  Emily Dickinson

When you are sad, anxious, feeling guilty
or otherwise tempted
know this need not be.
Say this to yourself as sincerely as you can,
remembering that the Holy Spirit will respond fully
 to your slightest invitation:

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Each of us has within us the “whole picture” that is all of humanity.

 Students in Arizona informed each other of the single most important fact about esoteric science each had learned in the last month:
'Anything wrong with me will mechanically expand to make things wrong for you, so true morality consists of making myself a right person.'

Monday, August 18, 2014

ACIM and miscreation. There must be a better way.

The world has not yet experienced any comprehensive reawakening or rebirth. Such a rebirth is impossible as long as you continue to project or miscreate.

‘Truly Helpful’, ‘Higher Court’ and ‘church’ in ACIM

God is praised whenever any mind learns to be wholly helpful.

Friday, August 15, 2014

Know This Need Not Be.

When you are sad, anxious, feeling guilty
or otherwise tempted
know this need not be.
Today’s blog may help those who struggle over Robin Williams death, their own issues or the issues of family and friends.

This is inevitable.

A phrase used 3 times in ACiM.

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

The Wellspring Within : 3 morning affirmations to say before you get out of bed.
1. I am feeling healthy and strong today.
2. I am happy and grateful for my life.
3. I am loving, lovable and worthy of love.
There is no reality except the one contained within us. That is why so many people live such an unreal life. They take images outside them for reality and never allow the word within to assert itself. Demian

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Monday, August 11, 2014


A point on which students of mental science often fail to lay sufficient stress is the completeness of man—not a completeness to be attained hereafter, but here and now. We have been so accustomed to have the imperfection of man drummed into us in books, sermons, and hymns, and above all in a mistaken interpretation of the Bible, that at first the idea of his completeness altogether staggers us. Yet until we see this we must remain shut out from the highest and best that mental science has to offer, from a thorough understanding of its philosophy, and from its greatest practical achievements.
To do any work successfully you must believe yourself to be a whole man in respect of it. The completed work is the outward image of a corresponding completeness in yourself. And if this is true in respect of one work it is true of all; the difference in the importance of the work does not matter; we cannot successfully attempt any work until, for some reason or other, we believe ourselves able to accomplish it; in other words, until we believe that none of the conditions for its completion is wanting in us, and that we are therefore complete in respect of it. Our recognition of our completeness is thus the measure of what we are able to do, and hence the great importance of knowing the fact of our own completeness. …

Atonement means correction, or the undoing of errors

How Is Correction Made?
Correction of a lasting nature,--and only this is true correction,--cannot be made until the teacher of God has ceased to confuse interpretation with fact, or illusion with truth. If he argues with his pupil about a magic thought, attacks it, tries to establish its error or demonstrate its falsity, he is but witnessing to its reality. Depression is then inevitable, for he has "proved," both to his pupil and himself, that it is their task to escape from what is real.

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Be Here Now

A friend is a gift you give yourself. ~ Robert Louis Stevenson

Do you past or future trip often?  The moment you notice you are past or future tripping:
1. Breathe
2. See what is in front of you.
3. Feel the sensations in your body.
4. Say, ‘I’m back!” Josh Pais

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

These are the two golden rules regarding concentration

… there is one safe general principle to be gained from what has already been said about causes and conditions,

Troward on Higher Thought, New Thought and Mental Science


Money, Opulence, IAM from Troward

The understanding which alone gives value to knowledge is the understanding that, when we employ the formula "I am, therefore I can, therefore I will," the "I AM" with which the series starts is a being who, so to speak, has his head in heaven and his feet upon the earth, a perfect unity, and with a range of ideas far transcending the little ideas which are limited by the requirements of a day or an hour. On the other hand, the requirements of the day and the hour are real while they last, and since the manifested life can be lived only in the moment that now is, whether it be to-day or ten thousand years hence, our need is to harmonize the life of expression with the life of purpose, and by realizing in ourselves the source of the highest purposes to realize also the life of the fullest expression.
This is the meaning of prayer. Prayer

The Ultimate Truth

1. God is Love. Man, having the understanding of God, speaks the Word of Power.
2. Man gives utterance to God.
3. The Father is Equilibrium. The Son is Concentration of the same Spirit. The Spirit is Projection.