Monday, March 31, 2014

Enter In.

I am always drawing into my world that which I am conscious of being. Your Faith Is Your Fortune by Neville Goddard

Today there is so much said about Masters, Elder Brothers, Adepts and initiates that numberless truth seekers are being constantly misled by seeking these false lights. There are no Ascended Masters. Banish this superstition. The power to ascend is within yourself; it is your consciousness. NEVILLE


Friday, March 28, 2014

Are you in a hurry? Always BE IN A HURRY to . . .

In the beginning was the unconditioned awareness of being, and the unconditioned awareness of being became conditioned by imagining itself to be something, and the unconditioned awareness of being became that which it had imagined itself to be; so did creation begin. NEVILLE

You may be clear on what you don't want, but do you know what you truly want? Not what you believe you should want, but what you really desire in your heart and soul.
If you have a vague idea of what you want, and it's mixed in with a lot of shoulds, fears and limiting beliefs, the manifestation of your heart's desire is on hold. Once you have clarity on your desires and you release the mixed messages you have around them, they are on their way to you.
Affirmation: I know what I want and I live my heart's desire.

"Man not only fears that he won’t make it, but he doesn’t even know what it is that he won’t make, (laughter) which makes for a pretty confusing life, huh? Which makes him wander around his little area of life always feeling as if someone is about to throw rocks at him and, that in turn, makes him fawn. That in turn makes him smile at anyone that smiles back at him, makes him bow before anyone who seems to like him.
This, this is not a life. This is not the life that you were intended to have by an intelligence that is higher than your intelligence. Human intelligence has settled for the valleys — the dark treacherous valleys.
Unknown to humans, because they don’t explore, there is an intelligence that can replace the lowdown one, and then he will see that he is in command of his life because God is first is in command of his life." VH The Help You Really Want to Find ~ Part 1~ Heavenly Help Awaits You - MP3 CD, track 3

You are educated easily. You reason well. Science and philosophy you are master of. Do not for­get that this is your life text: “Mercy and Truth; righteousness and peace, I love.” ECH

PurposeFairy: Did it ever happen to you to know something for sure and to believe that what you knew was the truth, the only truth, the supreme truth and later on to realize how wrong you were?
How did that make you feel? Were you able to laugh at the whole situation or did you get upset by it?

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Practice Your Power to Choose

Harmony, order, elegance, beauty — these are yours by right. Your word is electrical. You can excel in any department. Do not believe your physician when he tells you that your life forces can be depleted. Declare constantly: “God is my unfailing supply.” ECH

Suppose some dear lifelong friend in whose ability, resources, and faithfulness you have the utmost confidence should come to you today and say: ”Friend, rejoice; I have brought you some good news, almost too good to seem true, but true nevertheless. From this day all things in your life may be changed. A will has come to light by which you have inherited a large fortune, and it is right at hand. In fact I have come to bring it to you, together with a message of love, and good will from the testator. Everything that money can buy is now yours for the taking.”
What do YOU think would be the effect of such news upon you?
H. Emilie Cady’s “God a Present Help

You do not need to try to do your work in any other person’s way. Do your own way. It is a wise one when your judgment approves. Keep clear of being prejudiced by saying: “My judgment is right.” ECH

When you consciously let God live in you, and through you, and all around you, you will be aided, strengthened, and guided in ways that you have not yet dreamed of in human mind. You become thoroughly aware of the Presence of the Supreme, (the ever-active Presence), and you feel it spiritually at all times.

The clearer we can see that negative states must have an excuse to exist within us, the sooner -- and more strongly -- will arise in us a refusal to grant them a place anywhere in our heart, mind, or soul. Make No Excuses for Whatever Is Making You Miserable by Guy Finley

A frog goes into a bank and approaches the teller. He can see from her nameplate that her name is Patricia Whack.
"Miss Whack, I'd like to get a $30,000 loan to take a holiday."
Patty looks at the frog in disbelief and asks his name. The frog says his name is Kermit Jagger, his dad is Mick Jagger, and that it's okay, he knows the bank manager.
Patty explains that he will need to secure the loan with some collateral.
The frog says, "Sure. I have this," and produces a tiny porcelain elephant, about an inch tall, bright pink and perfectly formed.
Very confused, Patty explains that she'll have to consult with the bank manager and disappears into a back office.
 She finds the manager and says, "There's a frog called Kermit Jagger out there who claims to know you and wants to borrow $30,000, and he wants to use this as collateral."
She holds up the tiny pink elephant. "I mean, what in the world is this?"
The bank manager looks back at her and says.
"It's a knickknack, Patty Whack. Give the frog a loan, His old man's a Rolling Stone."

"The theme tonight and what we're going to hit hard on is the following fact - you go to someone for help and he gives you more troubles than you had before. Now, you’re already invited to think of experiences that confirm what I just said.
You go to someone for help, what kind, you name it, and you end up with more grief, you’d have been better off not going to him at all. But you were desperate and you were lonely and you were afraid and you just hoped that there might be someone stronger than you, more comforting, could give you the comfort that you needed. So you went there in great hope and expectation and it might have been ten years before you found out that you have more grief because you went there than relief from grief.
You know what the summary already is? Don’t go to anyone, stay away from as much as it is humanly possible, stay away from human beings. Now I know you have to go to work, you have to be associated with them in lots of ways, but that’s physical, that won’t do you any harm if you’re right inwardly."
VH from a talk given 6/11/1986

Meditation has the power to help you let go of the many layers of mud - the mud representing all the limitations, all the bad programming and all the negative past conditioning, that keeps so many of us in the dark, allowing you to return to a place of love, beauty and oneness. To reconnect with your true and authentic self and to live your life in a wonderful, happy and meaningful way. PurposeFairy

Remember: Expect Miracles!

Friday, March 21, 2014

I’M – POSSIBLE! ~ Power of Imagination ~ Outgrow Your problems ~ What’s right for YOU?

 “The power of imagination is incredible. Often we see athletes achieving unbelievable results and wonder how they did it. One of the tools they use is visualization or mental imagery… they made the choice to create their destinies and visualized their achievements before they ultimately succeeded.” ~ George Kohlrieser

"There is nothing scary about losing the battle against truth,
for that defeat is true victory."
Vernon Linwood Howard


Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Just a Thought Away.

"If you can take it, you will make it. The more you can take, the more you will make it, the faster you will make it. What does it mean to make it? It means to unmake yourself. It means to allow yourself to be dissolved in the light of something that is not you, that is better than you, higher than you." Vernon Linwood Howard

By Elizabeth Sand Turner
She says in her book, "Your Hope of Glory,"

Tuesday, March 18, 2014


People who misunderstand ask, 'Why should I study esoteric science?'
That is like asking, 'Why should I drink water?' Everyone should study this superior science because:
The old ways can only repeat old problems."

Guy Finley: A crisis only becomes a breaking point when we fail to use it as a turning point.

Monday, March 17, 2014

What if what you are feeling is just the result of a belief you have?

"Every man possesses an original psychic home of unique attractiveness. However, because of his departure to foreign lands, where he falls ill, he loses command of his home. Because of his separation he cannot see things as they really are, and so falls victim to cunning deceivers. For example, because he is anxious he is also gullible, and so follows anyone who wears a mask of authority and assurance." ~ Vernon Howard
“Life without a reason, a purpose, a position… the mind is frightened of this because then ‘my life’ is over with, and life lives itself and moves from itself in a totally different dimension. This way of living is just life moving. That’s all.” ~ Adyashanti

Choose for yourself that mansion of mind or heart in which you would dwell.

"If you cannot find yourself, stop thinking about this self you are trying to find, then notice the change." Vernon Linwood Howard

Without Comparison God and You Are One

"This is a moment in eternity." VH

Friday, March 14, 2014


From ACIM Volume III: Manual for Teachers :16.

The Obstacles to Peace.

 As peace extends from deep inside yourself to embrace all the Sonship and give it rest, it will encounter many obstacles. Some of them you will try to impose. Others will seem to arise from elsewhere; from your brothers, and from various aspects of the world outside. Yet peace will gently cover them, extending past completely unencumbered. The extension of the Holy Spirit's purpose from your relationship to others, to bring them gently in, is the way in which He will bring means and goal in line. The peace He lay, deep within you and your brother, will quietly extend to every aspect of your life, surrounding you and your brother with glowing happiness and the calm awareness of complete protection. And you will carry its message of love and safety and freedom to everyone who draws nigh unto your temple, where healing waits for him. You will not wait to give him this, for you will call to him and he will answer you, recognizing in your call the Call for God. And you will draw him in and give him rest, as it was given you.

Monday, March 10, 2014

The Silence is a medium by which man comes in a closer touch with the Infinite.

God's will for you is only good and nothing can withhold your good from you.

An inspiring verse from the Book of Revelation reminds you that nothing and no one keeps your good from you.  "Behold, I have set before you an open door, which no one is able to shut."

Jesus said, "It is your Father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom."

The truth that the Master taught and demonstrated blesses you, for it reassures you that no one can withhold your good.  The power to attract your good and the power to sustain your good is within you.  All good that comes to you comes by right of spirituality consciousness.

God did not create a world of loss, lack, or limitation.  Those things are humankind's invention.  God's world is prosperous and perpetually new.  As you keep your faith centered in God's truth, as you know that you live in a spiritual world of perfect ideas, negation has no power over you.  You see the good in all persons and situations and you discover that the bounty of God is omnipresent.

Even when Jesus asked a person who was requesting prayer, “Do you believe?” it is translated closer in today's language to, “Can you accept?”

Thursday, March 6, 2014

You’d be surprised how easy it is to create miraculous breakthroughs in your life.

 Morty Lefkoe: Possibilities and opportunities are largely a function of how you see yourself, people, and life.  Here is a guaranteed way to have a breakthrough

Is there scientific proof we can heal ourselves? Lissa Rankin, MD at TEDxAmericanRiviera

Tuesday, March 4, 2014


You do so now, in the silence of prayer...


There is a Christ light with you. There is no darkness that can exist because of this Christ light. It is illuminating every crevice of your mind, every thought inside your physical being. You are receiving Divine direction right now.

Lords Prayer by Emma Curtis Hopkins-1889

Emma Curtis Hopkins giving the Lords Prayer at the Association Meeting January 29th 1889
Then He offered up a prayer just like a petition for help, filled with, the faith of its all coming to pass: 
"Our Father, which art in heaven”

Patience can be vital to OUR progress.

Life contains commas and periods. A period means an end, and a comma means a continuance. Many times what appears to be the end is just a comma in the road of life—like losing a job, only to find a better one waiting through an open door opportunity of God, or, being disappointed, as a relationship comes to an end, only to find the true love of your life waiting for you.
“Wait patiently for divine Love to move upon the waters of mortal mind, and form the perfect concept. Patience must "have her perfect work." p. 454 SCIENCE AND HEALTH

"Nothing can hurt you up there. And up there can also be down here. So, I want you to think about something that you seldom ponder, which is this. Make a personal contact with the universe. You're part of it, are you not? Just think, not in wild imagination, but just as calm, logical, right thinking." VH

“Do more than belong:participate.
Do more than care:
Do more than believe:
Do more than be fair:be 
Do more than forgive:
Do more than dream:
~William Arthur Ward~

Monday, March 3, 2014


What cause hast thou, oh man, to fear?
Just know that Love Divine is near!
Dost thou not know the arms of Love
Are forever ‘round, below, above?
If you will learn this you will see
That God takes care of you and me.
We do not need to strive and plan,
God holds us in his hand.