Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Why do we have dictators, despots and tyrants in the world?

These are extensions in space of the dictator complex present in the hearts and minds of all human beings. Instead of trying to force our opinions on others, we must learn how to change ourselves and we will change the world.
What is the world? The world is ourselves in agregation. Napoleon still lives, Ghenghis Khan still lives, as do Caesar and all others. They live in the consciousness of the race. Our boys and girls learn about them at their mother’s knees, at school and in college. They burn with resentment and rage at the apparent wrongs committed by these men. They read avidly of the crimes, atrocities, and acts of violence. These states are impressed on their subconscious minds. All of these moods, feelings and thoughts which are entertained become objectified as living realities. Moreover, these boys and girls suffer from nightmares, hysteria and various complexes because these moods of fear, hate, anger and resentment become the ghosts that walk the gloomy galleries of their minds.
Living in these states of mind--dwelling on dictators and tyrants, realizing that whatever is impressed in consciousness must be expressed in the world--man should not be surprised when these tyrants of the past are reborn into our society, because we actually call them forth. It is true in a sense, therefore, that Ghenghis Khan is reborn or reincarnated. He is an embodiment of the state of consciousness of the people, nation, race or world, whatever the case may be. The reader will see, that it is not a man who lived a thousand or two thousand years ago who is being reborn. It is a state of consciousness that is born again.
Rev. Joseph Murphy
THIS IS IT: The Art of Metaphysical Demonstration


Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Helping Others

It is never wise to try to force Truth upon anyone. Place your brother "lovingly in the hands of the Father," and know that his own indwelling Lord will take care of him until he is open and receptive to ideas of Truth.
Now while it is a virtue to be always ready to help others, we must be sure that we are truly helping them, and not hindering them by allowing them to continue in the unwise habits that have brought them to lack.
The greatest help is to be able to show others how they may help themselves and become self-supporting and resourceful.
Don't feel that you must open your hands and pass out everything that you have. Conservation is one of the rules of success. You must expect others to do their part. And everyone, no matter how many failures he has had, can do his part.
Myrtle Fillmore's Healing Letters



Instead of spending too much time in the silence, make practical use of what you have already gotten from study and from the silence. It is possible to waste strength and energy and substance in dwelling in that passive mental state sometimes called the silence, or in the personal effort to make certain thoughts go out and accomplish results that are not based on the divine order and plan of life. So when you turn to the secret place for silence, be sure that you get away from yourself, your old ideas and desires, and bring your mind into perfect harmony with Christ ideas. Work to bring those ideas to bear upon your thought centers, and then come forth to practice what you have seen with spiritual vision and declared for yourself.
Myrtle Fillmore's Healing Letters

Detachment is the key to meditation. That is, we must sever ourselves completely from all worldly beliefs and opinions, and focus silently upon our ideal state. It is the effortless-effort which causes us to flow towards that which we realize without conflict. Detachment does not mean that we give up what few earthly possessions we may have. It means that we must give up possessiveness in ourselves, or release the attachments that peculiarly limit us to a human viewpoint in all matters.
Rev. Joseph Murphy ~ THIS IS IT: The Art of Metaphysical Demonstration ~ 1948


Sunday, June 27, 2010


Clairvoyance is very rare
and can be easily be tested
by blindfolding the subject
and giving him a book to read.

If he can read without seeing -
that is conclusive evidence
that he has independent sight.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010


The Doctrine of HERE and NOW

People have gotten mixed up with old delusions.

They think they must look forward to old age.

This is getting focused on the future.

They reflect on history.

This is getting stuck in the past.

The "Science of Mind" as taught in 1888 demonstrated that it's always about the HERE and NOW.


Friday, June 18, 2010

Prayer is the asking. Inspiration is the receiving. In meditation lies the power.

Whatsoever we fully commit to the Father to do, and affirm it is done, we shall see accomplished.
These, then, are the four comprehensive affirmations.
God is life, love, intelligence, substance, omnipotence, omniscience, omnipresence.
Second: I am a child or manifestation of God, and every moment His life, love, wisdom, power flow into and through me. I am one with God, and am governed by His law.
Third: I am Spirit, perfect, holy, harmonious. Nothing can hurt me or make me sick or afraid, for Spirit is God, and God cannot be sick or hurt or afraid. I manifest my real self through this body now.
Fourth: God works with me to will and to do whatsoever He wishes me to do, and He cannot fail.

Lessons in Truth H. Emilie Cady 1894 (Unity)

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

To affirm -> to make firm

-> something is already so
-> a way of "making firm" that which you are imagining

Tuesday, June 15, 2010


In order to prevent war, you should devote at least five minutes a day to the realization of the Presence of God in all the peoples constituting the half dozen or so Super Powers .
Imagine there's no Heaven
It's easy if you try
No hell below us
Above us only sky
Imagine all the people
Living for today

Do not work in this way for the whole of humanity, but only for the peoples of what are called the Super Powers, as it is desirable to concentrate the work where it is needed. War will not come unless some of the Great Powers become involved.
Imagine there's no countries
It isn't hard to do
Nothing to kill or die for
And no religion too
Imagine all the people
Living life in peace
Declare that God is everywhere, and that all men, in Absolute Truth, are now spiritual and perfect, expressing only Love, and Wisdom, and Intelligence. That, in Reality there are no separate nations, because all men belong to the One Nation, the Divine Family.
You may say that I'm a dreamer
But I'm not the only one
I hope someday you'll join us
And the world will be as one

That there are no frontiers because God is One, and cannot be separated against.Himself. That in Truth the only armaments are the forces of Love and Intelligence.
Imagine no possessions
I wonder if you can
No need for greed or hunger
A brotherhood of man
Imagine all the people
Sharing all the world

Then declare that God is fully present in every man, woman, and child in the Super Powers and that they can only know and express Serene Peace, Divine Intelligence, and Divine Love.
You may say that I'm a dreamer
But I'm not the only one
I hope someday you'll join us
And the world will live as one
You may conclude by giving thanks to God for the glory of His Own Divine Perfection, which never can change.


Sunday, June 13, 2010

Meditation for Peace

God is the only real presence and the only real power.
God is fully present at every point of existence.
God works through man, who is part of the Divine Expression.
God works through all men indiscriminately, and in His sight there are no distinctions of nationality or party, and no frontiers.
Therefore there can be no strife.
With One God there can be only one plan, God's perfect plan, and all men are part of that; so each has his own place in the Divine Scheme, and there can be no competition or strife.
God is all in all, and in Him all men live and move and have their being in perfect harmony and Love.

Emmet Fox
"Alter Your Life"

Friday, June 11, 2010

There is a simple test by which you can tell a true teacher from a false one.

It is this: If they point you to their own personality; if they make special claims for themselves; if they say that they have received any special privileges from God that are not equally accessible to the whole human race anywhere; if they attempt in their own name or in that of an organization to establish under any pretense a monopoly of the truth about God, then, however imposing their credentials, however pleasing their personality may be, they are a false teacher, and you had better have nothing to do with them.

If, on the contrary, they tell you to look away from themselves, to seek the Presence of God in your own heart, and to use books, lectures, and churches only as a means to that one end, then, however humble their efforts may be, however lacking their own demonstration may seem, they are nevertheless a true teacher and are giving you the Bread of Life.
Alter Your Life ~ Emmet Fox - 1933


There is one quality which pre-eminently distinguishes the man of Truth from the man of self, and that is humility. To be not only free from vanity, stubbornness and egotism, but to regard one's own opinions as of no value, this indeed is true humility.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Alter Your Life by Emmet Fox

In 1932 Emmet Fox gave a lecture.
Of the Great Seal of the United States on coins the said:
"Of the obverse, metaphysically the olive branch stands for affirmations, the arrows for denial."
"Of the reverse, the unfinished pyramid, 13 steps, capstone not yet lowered into place and the ancient all seeing eye". All symbols of our relation to God.
The single eye Jesus spoke of " When the eye is single the whole body is full of light.".
The single eye stands for the Allness of God.
"When an individual or nation puts God first, it will be healthy, and prosperous.".
A new one dollar bill of paper containing these symbols was circulated after this lecture.
Elsewhere he states that since 1914 the end of the world had been forecast by doomsayers. Occasional groups had actually stayed up all night waiting for the end.
Nothing happened.
He also talks of the Zodiac and the bible (we're currently in Aquarius[2150 years of the Christ consciousness] the 12 lessons of mankind.
He even has a prayer for world peace.